One thing to consider is that a single band radio simplifies and generally improves your antenna choices. A dedicated 5/8 wave 2m whip antenna beats any practical dual band antenna when used on 2m. With that said, the dual band/dual receive radios are also a practical choice-it isn't uncommon to monitor a repeater on one side and talk on simplex on the other, though for my uses, it's been all on 2m.
The divorced head is also a great feature of radios as you get out of the entry level single band radios, as this allows remote mounting of the main unit. But for ease of use, I actually prefer the single band radios-and my current favorite is the Kenwood TM281a, which is a great radio for minimal $$. I wish the head could be divorced, but no.
So in the end, you need to decide what's important to you. Virtually all the yakking you'll do while off roading or travelling will be on 2M. If you'll be using linked networks (cool but not that common) many of those are on UHF, though the one I have used the most-SINBAD-is on 2m(VHF). If a stealth install is what you need, then a divorced head unit is what you want. If cheap is important, then 2m only radio is still a very solid choice.