The Yaesu lacks lighted buttons. That's about the only negative I can find with it. The Icom would be my pick of the three you mention. I really like the Kenwood except for one fatal flaw (for me). When in cross band repeat mode there is a time out timer set a 3 minutes and it can't be changed. So, if you're monitoring a repeater thru the mobile and the guys are long winded and not letting the squelch tail drop eventually the Kenwood will time out and stop transmitting too you. For me that's a deal breaker because I monitor a lot and there are some windbags. Also, in a public service type event with an emergency net going on I could see it being a problem. For just out camping or trail communication it would probably be fine.
The other problem is that I've owned many Icoms and Yaesus over my 23 years as a ham. I've had very few problems out of any of them. I've only owned 2 Kenwoods and both were very problematic.
The other problem is that I've owned many Icoms and Yaesus over my 23 years as a ham. I've had very few problems out of any of them. I've only owned 2 Kenwoods and both were very problematic.