Dual Battery system for a Dodge Dakota


New member
Ok I am new here, been reading up on alot of information about various things, one forum lead to another and another and I ended up here.

I currently own a 2000 model Dodge Dakota with a 4.7 L V8 engine. I am a wanting to have several electronic devices in my truck; GPS, stereo with amp and sub, CB radio, weather scanner, and along with two KC lights mounted on the front of the truck.

I don't know the size of my alternater at the moment. But my main concern about is location of the second battery. I will have a toolbox mounted in the bed but do not wish to have the battery take up space there. I have wondered if it was possible to mount a battery under the bed to the frame. like about the passager side near the spare tire mount.

Also does the second battery have the be the same size as the main battery if the second is there for the sole purpose of being a back up to crank the truck. If the secondary can be smaller than it would help in finding a mounting location.

I haven't decided on brand of batteries or brand of dual battery system yet, want to get information on to where I could mount the battery first before I look to far into the dual battery setup.

Thank you in advance to help me.


Take a look at the AMFOR website they might have a dual battery tray to fit the stock location. If not they have a universal tray that can fit duals. Usually you want both batteries to be the same.
A couple of dual system controllers are out and about I prefer the Hellroaring technology and Odyssey batterys. They are AGM and can be mounted in any position except upside down.
My main battery runs everything the 2nd is there for back up power. I have a switch in the cab and can run both none or just the one.


New member
Thanks, I could not find a tray that was made for the Dakota, seems that most aftermarket accessories are geared towards the bigger full sized trucks. have been having problems with finding alot of things just for the dakota quad cab.

last time I looked it seemed like there was not much room for a second battery under the hood. Would having the battery that far away from the main battery be really bad? I know the resistance with having longer wires.

Just seems to me the only opition is going to be mounted to the frame either under cab or under bed. I would like to have it as close as possible to keep the wires as short as I can get.


measure your exsisting battery location. Do you have like 13" x 7" worth of space there? A universal tray is about that size.

Wish I could attach a pic still not allowing me to do that.

I was going to mount one in my bed and one under the hood as well until I found I could fit the dual tray.
I am using 2/0 welding cable for all cables so that would be what I would suggest for your application. My cables are crimped and soldered at each terminal point.

Seeing how I can't do pics here use these link and take a look at em over on the TS website.


New member
Cannot measure space at this time but that link has brought a question I have been wondering.

Is the Optima and Odyessey smaller in size compared to a liquid acid battery?

My truck battery size is 34 something letter, thinking either D or R. would the AGM batteries be smaller for the same model size?


Yes they are AGM style.
Go look at this next link.

These are what I am running. Did you notice my pics showing the Odysseys next to the the original? You can usually place these in the same spot the originals came out of.
Notice Military specs and the metal case around them to protect from heat under the hood.

Note the measurments and find something to fit your application. They pack more plates into the case thus more power avalable.


New member
just never realized that AGM batteries would be smaller in size. If that is the case I sure will be check on seeing if they would fit. By the way, what does AGM mean? sorry I used a term without know much of what it is first.

Just to check would all gel cell batteries be like this, smaller in size compared to their liquid acid battery counterpart? Not sure as to what to get yet, like the reviews on the odyssey just little scared about on the price, I have heard mixed reviews on the optimas but I would like to know if they would be also a option.

thank you.


Like I said they pack more plates into the same size Battery. So a 34 should be a 34 agm series. But some like Odyssey you can get a size to fit your application and it will have more bang inside.
But if ya think Optima are expensive don't look at Odyssey..


I was going to mount a second battery under the bed of my s10 (smaller than a dakota) there was enpough room outside of the frame rail in front of the rear wheels. I was going to put it on the opposite side of the gas filler. Was going to fill in that section, sheet steel bringing the fender all the way down to the bottom then fill in the back and bottom and cut the outside of the body and hinge it to open.


Heretic Car Camper
Not uncommon in hot rod & race car circles to put the primary battery somewhere other than the engine compartment. The best idea there is to run both power and ground cables up to the engine rather than grounding the battery near it's bracket.

So long as the cables running to the battery can carry the expected loads with some safety margin I don't see a problem with putting the battery(ies) anywhere that you want to. Search this sub-forum on cable sizing as it has been discussed in the past. I seem to recall a couple recent posts with excellent links in them.

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