When I added a second battery to my 80 series, I wanted to keep it simple and added a 500amp solenoid so I could connect them easily for charging, winching or emergency starting at the flick of a switch...
For switching, I used both an on/off switch for constant connection as well as a momentary switch that activated a timer relay for charging...
For my front winch (SuperWinch EP9.0), I relocated the solenoid under the hood in front of the battery where it stays nice and warm during the winters (no chance of freezing up)
Relocated the remote plug to the top of the bumper and added an inline cut-off safety key switch...
For the rear winch (SuperWinch Husky10), I left the solenoid box in place, but relocated the remote plug to the rear X-member....
I hated having to drag out the hand controller every time I want to use the winches, so I wired up a pair of OEM seat heater control switched for interior controls....
I never liked the idea of having a non-fused power cable connected at all times because a minor fender bender could easily cause a fire, so I added another 500amp solenoid to the main power wires for both winches (only one is required as the winches are used one at a time)
I also added a distribution block and an Anderson connector to the rear bumper for heavy duty jumper cables...
The plug only gets power when the main power solenoid is switched on, so again, there's no chance of shortage in the case of an accident or a rotten kid with a paperclip...
Even with the power solenoid turned on, neither winch will work unless the accompanied safety key for the cut-off switches are turned....
This is perfect for holding tension while spooling in an unloaded line to avoid bunching on the drum...
I know it may sound redundant, but after seeing first hand how much damage a frozen winch solenoid can cause after getting stuck in the "ON" position as well as a few fires caused by accidental shortages during collisions, I try to create as many safety nets as possible...