Dually Inflation


Well-known member
I have a Class C RV a Born Free 22. I have a dual chuck inflator but still have trouble getting air into the outside tire of the dually. With a 45 degree angle reverse chuck i can barely get air into one side and only by cranking on the stem can I get air into the other side. I am afraid of what I am doing to the stem. Is there another option or a dual chuck with a different angle to get to the stem without torquing on it?

The only thing I can think of is add longer stems but that will have to wait till I need new tires and that might be years from now.


Active member
We used to run valve extenders on our mini-buses. They make a curved one for the outer tire.

With extenders the risk you run is that if it unscrews a little, it can drain your tire....so being vigilant and learning how to thump your tires is pretty important.

Tudor Tanase

Active member
There is a variety of rigid and flexible extenders on the market. As mentioned above, you add a possible fail point, but then again you can easily check pressures.
Valve extenders.JPG

Scotty D

Active member
There are two kinds of air chucks for duallys , one has the reverse chuck at 45 degrees, the other is parallel

You need the right one for your configuration


Expedition Leader
I’ve gone through several iterations of valve extensions. They were all better than nothing. The short extensions with a sharp bend did ok… but long straight one tore off 4 or 5 valve stems over the years. Braided Stainless ones that clamped to the rim have worked best.
Resist the temptation to buy cheap ones… unless you like fixing flat inner duallies. I’ve always had a compressor in a side compartment so that I can inflate the remaining tire to 80 psi when the inner tire goes flat.

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