Dually or single rear wheel?


I seem to remember that I think the Ram diesels is sold in Europe or at least the UK....

Well, I take that back....Ram is only sold in via officials dealers in Iceland...looks like there is some importers that get the Ram 1500 to Europe, but I could of sworn in the in 90s, there was a bigger dealer network that sold the diesels...

There are many many so called Greyimporters arround in every Country, in Switzerland are hundreds of Rams on the Road and many of them CTDs because for heavy towing up to 15 metric Tons.
So, no, there is no Problem to get Parts and Mechanics here in Europe for US Trucks.


Jornvango- where in ASIA are you thinking of going? This is the bigger question in my mind. The dually vs srw issue isn't huge, but the dpf issue may be. I'm not sure but getting ULSD in some remote areas of Asia may be a challenge. I would try and find somebody who has actually been where you want to go (preferably in a fairly modern diesel) and get the REAL info. We can all speculate on what SHOULD be available, but reality is often very different when you get into the darker parts of the Asian continent.

I thought he said that his Truck is already Deleted?

If not, yes, he has to do that absolutely prior to this Journey. Fuel is just in the EU good enough for the modern CTD, thats why i drive a 2004 RAM.


Thanks for the insight on EU driving!

Guessing strict rules like no passing on right is what makes Europeans drivers better than North American drivers, in general.

I can't confirm that from my sight, i like it far more to drive in North America then here at Home.
Maybe it is safer here - but people drive most of the time with scare to do something wrong and get ruined, so they drive not so natural like thenones in the New World.

Here in Switzerland, drive 10 Miles (and up) to fast within the Citylimit and you'll get at least a 6000$ ticket and 3 months without the license.
So, no, there is not much fun in driving here.
Normal ticket within Citylimit, up to 3 Mi. cost 60$, up to 6 Mi. 140$, up to 9 Mi. 240$ - all above is far more expensive and a Judge has to set the penalty.


And no passing on right give us the funny experience that a single car on the most left lane can block a whole interstate as long as he wants to.
No i really dont like that system, its absurd in my sight.

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