First off: 4Cruzer I LOVE YOUR 1ST GEN!!!!!!!!!!! Such a nice example. I miss my truck and I'm counting the hours untill it's back with me in the seat... For now I'm driving my Dad's 98XJ Up-Country adn I vividly remember why I went to Toyotas
I am biased, as I LOVE my dual setup (I'd never go back). The nice thing about duals is retaining that factory 4 low when you want it. If I ever go '4 wheeling (?)' I find myself using the 4.7 case almost exclusively, but it's simply too slow for normal, slow, rough road driving. I would be bummed to have ONLY the 4.7 in the rear.
yeah see that's exactly what I was thinking about my experience with Duals for an Expo rig... IMO it's either a 2.28/4.7 Doubler or a stock Single case. A single 4.7 is just too LOW for Expo travel. But like I said, we all have different defenitions of what an Expedition is...Build your truck to suit your definition/needs.
... I like the idea that if I do want to drive over some nasty bits, I can do so without hammering the truck. It's nice to let the truck idle and pick your way over rather then bouncing it up over obstacles with momentum...
That is something I think is part of what I meant by "you've gotta experience it" cause while you DO have alot more torque multiplication to help you break drive-line parts... If you're smart, dual cases can help you to keep your truck ALIVE on really nasty trails. Your clutch alone (if you're running a manual obv.) will love you SO much just cause you won't have to slip it constantly to get it over an obstacle. It really is amazing to just feel the truck C............R..........AAAAAAAAAAAA.......W.......L Over, up around and through everything. look on youtube for the Vid of Marlin pulling his famous "look ma no hands" trick on the Rubicon where he litteraly get's out of the truck while it's IN GEAR on top of a boulder, checks his line/spots himself then get's back in and finishes the obstacle... All the while he's out for like 30sec-1min the truck moves all of about 6inches!!!!!!!! Now that is control.
BUT, like I maintain...For most "Expo" type use I'd guess that mayb e a 3.0 or so like someone said would be awesome. Either that or again, Duals with a 2.28/4.7 Combo ( I would NEVER run 4.7/4.7's... just too little wheel speed posibility for my type of trails/terrain)... Remember, if your Diffs are geared to match your tires then your 4HI will more then likely do just fine for most "slippery" situations, and then you have stock Low range for everything else.
I just thought of something else too... Why not a Klune-V underdrive??? that way, when 4LO is just not low enough, hit the underdrive, then once clear, it's back to 4LO. Same basic principal as a doubler but it could possibly make for a shorter Tranny/T-case combo (not sure about this). by the same token you could run a 4.7 Case and a Saturn over-drive and when 4.7's too low, hit the OD and SHAZAM!!!!!! Either way when it comes down to it, I'm a guy adn the more levers and buttons my truck has for me to play with the better eh
Again, clearly I'm rambling but hey, this p[lace is great for stuff like know people tolerating my rambles