dzJeepChic's '92 XJ Expedition Vehicle Project

Number 7

Update to the build thread - Clifford hits the trail! We had a perfect 1st day on dirt, Click this picture to checkout the great photos at post #99.


Number 7

Second shakedown trip over the weekend to Kingman AZ and surrounding trails revealed a few more issues to deal with, but Clifford proved to be a blast to wheel in! Click the 1st Picture to check out more pics on the build thread if you want; post # 105:


I'm happy. d

Number 7

New updates to the Clifford thread tonight, take a peek, click on the picture! The new stuff starts at post 108

Shakedown next weekend, X your fingers, k?


Number 7

I updated my build thread based on findings from our latest wind-and-rain-filled adventure! The new info is at post 114: click the picture to link to it:


Number 7

I just added some pictures of Clifford taken on our last trip to my build thread. Click this picture to link to it, new stuff starts at 122:


Number 7

Oh the trials and tribulations of Jeep Fabrication! I finally got around to writing about the new header installation on Clifford, and you can link to my build thread and read all about it by clicking the picture, the fun starts on post # 133.

Enjoy! d :costumed-smiley-007

Number 7

I updated the tread to show the C-Knuckle reinforcement. Simple & clean. Click the pic to link to the build thread, post 142:

d :)

Number 7

A friend of mine got some great pictures of Clifford at Log Corral yesterday so I posted a bunch of them on my build thread. All photos courtesy of MaddogJeeper. Here's a sample; click the 1st Photo if you want to open my build thread (post 151):

These are great shots of the new fenders George (Number 7) fabbed up for me:



Such a handsome guy:


I Love My Jeep!! d :wings:


Expedition Leader
very nice setup! Mine's a 1992 as well. It's old, it's clattery, but I, too, love the darned thing. :)

Much more satisfying for me to spend my $$ refreshing, maintaining and modding it, than paying a car payment every month.

Mine's never had a major issue with 185k on the clock and counting.


Number 7

very nice setup! Mine's a 1992 as well. It's old, it's clattery, but I, too, love the darned thing. :)

Much more satisfying for me to spend my $$ refreshing, maintaining and modding it, than paying a car payment every month.

Mine's never had a major issue with 185k on the clock and counting.


That's awesome - we are of like minds! d :wings:

Number 7

I updated my build thread with pictures of Clifford from our Canyonland Needles District and Moab trip last week. The new pics are on posts 155 & 156, click the 1st picture here to link to the thread:

I'm extremely happy with the performance of the vehicle! d :chef:

Number 7

There is an addition to the actual 'build' today! Part that I missed posting before the Utah trip, and part that owners of '92 Inline 6 Owners might care to see: Check it if you think it's your Main Rear Seal!

Click this picture to link to Clifford's build thread, this update begins on post 158:

Catch Ya! d


New member
Fantastic truck!

I am going to look over your full build thread. I am currently on 31s and i am moving to 35s but want to keep my XJ as a expo truck.

I am digging your setup.

Number 7

The latest installment of the Clifford build is complete! Click the picture to link to the Champion Radiator Retro-fitting and Installation, which begins on post #161.

Beware: it's kind of a Pulp Fiction thing, starting at the end and then telling the story . . . d

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