E-bike or motorcycle for secondary vehicle


Western Dirt Rat
I have two ebikes, his and hers. Parts avail is mostly a non issue. All components except the frame are conventional bike components. Want to upgrade your gearset or shocks? Go right ahead. Mid drive is the ONLY way to go so you can use your gears. Bafang has changed the game. Batteries are actually pretty well standard. Fully rebuild able, there are really only a few designs out there. Not capable of highway travel and range anxiety is real. But I've been using ebikes for shuttles in the Backcountry in southern Utah for five years and I'm happy as a clam. Get a small generator if you will be remote and not driving for a time. I'm into both of our bikes 4300. About to spring on spare batteries.


Well-known member
I think it depends on your intended use. I've been researching both recently. The EBike/Electric Motorcycle has split up into various category's.
The first is the Zero's/Harley's that are electrified motorcycles. Then very powerful E 'Bikes', with ones like the CAB Recon, 80mph top speed!, then the more scooter'ish ones.

So, do you want to park your rig and go explore single track? Or do you need to use it as a runabout/emergency backup? I've asked myself that question, and I want both. Since I need at least a little high-speed capability, I would go small motorcycle like a TW200 or DR200, etc. Lightweight, as motorcycles go, and can travel back to town and haul back food/repaired tire. Now, by the time I hit Europe, many cities will have banned diesels and perhaps even internal combustion altogether.
That's when I switch to electric. Park the diesel rig on the outskirts, explore on the electric bike.
Actually, I just learned the Ryker Rally is going full electric soon. I like the 3 wheeled option as I get older and feebler:confused:


Well-known member
So, do you want to park your rig and go explore single track? Or do you need to use it as a runabout/emergency backup? I've asked myself that question, and I want both. Since I need at least a little high-speed capability,

Primary goal is to be a run into town for groceries, dinner. While the Van stays stationary. But if I had something offroad capable, I am sure I would have a blast trail riding. I wanted an Enduro since I was 14. Now at 54, I still want one and my parents are no longer around to be scared of me being on one.

Most ebikes are the same price as an enduro or dual sport that would provide more capacity. I also feel an older motorcycle would be less of a thief magnet than one or two e-bikes. Question on a 200 cc motorcycle. If my wife and I weigh close to 350 in total. Should the suspension be upgraded to handle the large load? I would also be riding it myself often.


Well-known member
Well the obvious answer is to get 2! The TW200 is extremely easy to ride, even for beginners. But if that is not in the cards, I can only say you won't be going anywhere fast with 2 up on a 200cc bike. 350lb would be close to their limits. But I'm not an expert, not even a regular rider, I have a Yamaha WR450F that scares the crap out of me. I'm going to a smaller bike to mount on the back of my rig.

I would suggest you google "best small adventure bikes" and you'll get hits that will list bikes/reviews for you to consider.


Well-known member
Well the obvious answer is to get 2! The TW200 is extremely easy to ride, even for beginners.

That is not happening, unless I wanted a choice of two different motorcycles for me to ride, my wife can't even drive my truck because it is a stick.

I would not plan on traveling with the two of us for very far on a motorcycle. It would be just as a way to get into town nearby. If we were to travel for the day we could take the van. If we were to get two of anything it would be e-bikes, although I have also considered an e-scooter or an e-skateboard also. More to have a second toy or a second option to travel.


nomadic man
A 250 cc dual sport, street legal bike will need better suspension, two up at 350 lbs.
Not much, but some.
Also consider getting a better seat. Most of these kind of bikes aren't made for comfort. Especially for two.
But for short hops it can be fine stock, just don't go far.


Well-known member
You mentioned scooters, thats the route i went. I love my ebike and got a lot of use out of it on trips. The scooter, however, is really fun and more portable. I got mine off alibaba after researching the model i liked and talked with the factory to get the exact specs i wanted, saved about 50%. Dual 3000w(peak) motors, full suspension, 40ah Panasonic battery, alarm, brakes lights, turn signals, horn, keyed and they even threw in a front bag, seat attachment and tool kit. $1400 delivered to my door. I have since added new adjustable coilovers, 4 piston brakes, taller/wider bars and a few other odds and ends. It will do 50mph but i have only gone 35 or so but even on dirt it feels smooth. No oil stained socks and better riding position for looking around. Ebikes are fun too and you can carry more with them. Motorcycle is heavy, loud, and needs a gas can. Electric is silent, lighter but needs to be recharged. Scooters can fit a lot more battery but ebikes can be peddled to extend range. Here is mine, i just put the new suspension which lifted it more than i wanted but it rips over everything. CCDAFFEF-443F-43AC-A784-85717A645DBB.jpeg


Glamping Society
Not to hijak your thread but I'm also currently on the fence about adding one dirt bike vs two ebikes to the van.

Much of our travel revolves around hitting fly fishing spots. The last thing we want to do after securing a camping spot in this overrun time we are living in, is load back up in the van to drive up and down the roads to explore better fishing. And since we are in a 2wd van, it would also be nice to have something we can jump on to see how bad the road gets before we decide to head down it.

So I've been going back and forth on what to do. I'm leaning towards ebikes because I think they will be cheaper in the long run, lighter/easier to carry and we can each have one. I think a little 250cc moto would be fun, but I'm not sure it would be able to carry both of us plus fishing gear on dirt roads safely,as neither of us have experience riding 2up.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.


Well-known member
Not to hijak your thread.

I think a little 250cc moto would be fun, but I'm not sure it would be able to carry both of us plus fishing gear on dirt roads safely,as neither of us have experience riding 2up.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.

Hijack away, any input to this thought process is appreciated.

I just had an interesting 'bike' pop up locally and got me thinking again about a secondary vehicle. I think a 250 street legal thumper would be best all around.

A 1996 Suzuki DRZ 350 just came up with 3k miles. for $2600. A few TW200s are available within a couple hours for $4000. It's got me thinking and looking again. An ex roommate just got into dirt biking this summer and suggests DRZ-400 for my first bike. He started out with one then got a KTM 350.


We got a pair of RadMini electric bikes from Rad Power bikes. Direct to consumer out of Seattle, great pricing and some cool models. They are fun, fat tire folding bikes, although there’s nothing really mini about them, big and heavy. I’d consider one of their full size models knowing they’d go on a rack behind the van.
I got them to bring with us on our full time travels the last 2 years that we ended in May. Ultimately, they didn’t make the cut because they took up all our storage space and tipped the weight limits for use on the back of the travel trailer.
Looking at the SurRon dirt bikes, looks like they’d be a ton of fun.
I got a large Rackattach swing away hitch swing to use on our Jeep and van with the 1up, haven’t assembled it yet, but they are stout, a friend has one they use on their rig and it’s held up well.

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I did a 5 day trip through Idaho with a homebuilt specialized ebike and a sur ron. Ebike on aluminess rack 1up and sur ron on motojack. Great setup and made the trip so much more interesting. We did Clearwater up over into Missoula. Both have their place but the specialized was more versatile. I plan on taking one pretty much every trip I can.

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Well-known member
I think it depends on your intended use. I've been researching both recently. The EBike/Electric Motorcycle has split up into various category's.
The first is the Zero's/Harley's that are electrified motorcycles. Then very powerful E 'Bikes', with ones like the CAB Recon, 80mph top speed!, then the more scooter'ish ones.

So, do you want to park your rig and go explore single track? Or do you need to use it as a runabout/emergency backup? I've asked myself that question, and I want both. Since I need at least a little high-speed capability, I would go small motorcycle like a TW200 or DR200, etc. Lightweight, as motorcycles go, and can travel back to town and haul back food/repaired tire. Now, by the time I hit Europe, many cities will have banned diesels and perhaps even internal combustion altogether.
That's when I switch to electric. Park the diesel rig on the outskirts, explore on the electric bike.
Actually, I just learned the Ryker Rally is going full electric soon. I like the 3 wheeled option as I get older and feebler:confused:
well said,
where is the world heading, where do you want to travel.... every decision is crystal ball time.
me, I want to park the rig.... go for beer, toilet paper or a shower. Likely involving a few or 10 miles of commuting.
I need a light, folding bike. 20mph is OK but if there was a compact electric capable of 40mph I'd buy it, insure ir, register it.
The advantage of e-bikes is storing inside the vehicle, no fuel issues, zero maintenance issues.

I really like this one.



I need to fit it inside the back of a Jeep TJR.... I love full size tires but hate fat tires... this is near perfect.


Well-known member
I did a 5 day trip through Idaho with a homebuilt specialized ebike and a sur ron. Ebike on aluminess rack 1up and sur ron on motojack. Great setup and made the trip so much more interesting. We did Clearwater up over into Missoula. Both have their place but the specialized was more versatile. I plan on taking one pretty much every trip I can.

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Care to share a photo of your homebuilt ebike? Did you use a Bafan? I am considering doing this and also getting a 250 cc motorcycle, because I have wanted on for 40 years and my mom is not with me anymore to fret over me owning one.




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The CYC X1 pro on a carbon comp. Amazing power and setup. They have a smaller version out now which is what I would do if I could do over. This has so much power it borders on excessive. Mine is so stealthy and can climb anything.

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