E.J.'s Dirty Nismo 2005 Frontier CC Build Thread/Journal


Our booster seat fits fine back there, the back seat of the Fronty is a bit bigger than the Subaru it replaced. My only complaint is my 7yo has a hard time pulling the seat belt out to buckle himself up. I don't have experience with a rear facing seat in this truck, my kid was already in a forward facing seat when we bought it.


So what's your final suspension set up? I think I'm going with OME as well.......

Also, how are you liking the softopper and US rack? Thinking of going this route myself.


So what's your final suspension set up? I think I'm going with OME as well.......

Also, how are you liking the softopper and US rack? Thinking of going this route myself.
I'm on OME heavies with a 1.5" spacer and SPC UCA's in the front. OME medium leaves and 1" block in the back, I'd considered the heavys but I'm not quite there on weight (yet).

The softopper/US rack combination has worked pretty good for me, it keeps the weight down and comes off without too much effort. I did nip and tuck the rack quite a bit to get it to fit the way I wanted. That was pretty a pretty easy project with a sawzall, drill, and some careful measuring.
This wasn't exactly fun to pull out. The PO had aftermarket secondary cats welded in so it pretty much had to come out in one piece. This halfass bandaid repair relocated the downstream o2 sensors after the secondary cats, the stock set up has it located between the cats. This explains why my SES didn't start lighting up until the primary cat totally disintegrated.

I realize this is almost a year late, but information for others based on what I have found.

This is based off the information on my 2002 Pathfinder VQ35 and it may not apply or it may apply to CA models only, etc etc etc. The 2002 Pathfinder VQ35 has 4 cats just like the VQ40 with O2 sensors between each set of cats. When I took the exhaust apart the second "cats" are actually baffles and not cats at all even though everyone refers to them as "cats" but they were never and are never going to be cats...they are just baffles. In your picture the second "cats" do look like cats based on the outside casting but if they were empty I would be skeptical, YMMV.

Information to use as you wish: Anything after the last O2 sensor, the computer does not care about and in major cities in Texas if the OBDII data says it is "ok", then it is "ok".



Well it looks like it's time to wrap this thread up. Picked up this 2017 Taco TRD Offroad with 20k miles yesterday. The ol Frontier is just starting to get a little long in the tooth, considered picking up a newer one but the urge for something different won out. Only regret with the Nissan was not picking up a few year newer one in the first place. Got to fix a cylinder misfire and she'll go up for sale.


Sad to see her go, but i can understand the update. How many miles are on it now?
Yeah I'm little bummed too, just rolled over 170k last oil change. I'm sure it has a lot of life left but its lost my trust for taking it on long trips. Being a 2005 I got to experience the joy of replacing the transmission, timing chain guides, rear locker (weak spider gears on early models)...basically every expensive common problem that has 100+ page threads on clubfrontier. I know the new ones have those things worked out but I just know those memories would be lurking in the back of my mind.


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I hope your new Tacoma turns out as good as your frontier did. What’s your plan for the frontier? Did you sell it, trade or keeping it?
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I'm going to put the Frontier up for sale as is for a while, if no one bites I'll do a part out...hoping to avoid that though. The blue book value is pretty abysmal on these rigs though.

I'm overwhelmingly stoked about the Taco, it's the lowest mileage vehicle I've ever owned and hopefully we'll have a long relationship. Doing tires and sliders off the bat then wait for the Frontier to sell to get money for more taco fillings lol.


Yeah I'm little bummed too, just rolled over 170k last oil change. I'm sure it has a lot of life left but its lost my trust for taking it on long trips. Being a 2005 I got to experience the joy of replacing the transmission, timing chain guides, rear locker (weak spider gears on early models)...basically every expensive common problem that has 100+ page threads on clubfrontier. I know the new ones have those things worked out but I just know those memories would be lurking in the back of my mind.

You know, I'm feeling things that are pretty similar. Especially the past few years, I've had an exceptionally high number of failures. Starting to really lose my trust in my truck.

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