e-mail on ham

i have read/heard somewhere that some radios can send but not recieve emails. i was wondering if this was true and if so which radios are capable of this function i think this would be an exceptional safety option. just curious .


gary in ohio

While there is NO radio that will send email, there are ways to send email using ham radio. HOWEVER, the term email is loosely used. You CAN NOT replace your ISP emiail system with a ham radio link, You can send short messages and even use normal email programs but the email has to be restricted. Most of the email system was deveoped for emergency communications to replace last mile infrastructure with ham radio gear. All rules for ham radio apply even when using it to send digital data. no profanity/lewd , no code cyphers, no business communications, no 3rd party traffic. On top of that it tends to be SLOW links, 1200/9600 baud are considered the fast links in many cases.

If your out at sea and need to send a status messages back to fried via ham radio it will work fine, To do all your email then NO.
i was not looking for an email substitute but another way to make contact in an emergency situation. i would have better luck contacting most peopla i know thru email than over the radio.

what radios are capable of this?



Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
Any radio that is capable of packet radio. You can send messages over APRS, so the Kenwood D700 *might* be able to do this on its own out of the box. Most radios will require a laptop to be connected to the radio via a TNC.

I've sent mesages via APRS software running on my computer. That software ran on top of Packet Engine Pro software. The laptop was connected to an Elcom uTNT TNC, and the TNC was connected to an Icom 2720h radio via a cable that I made. I made the cable by reading the manual for the radio and the manual for the TNC.



APRS lets you send short email messages via 2m radio. You cannot receive email. Sometimes, you will get a confirmation that the message was received by the APRS email server.

The Kenwood TM-D700 mobile works well in this regard, I use it in my Jeep.


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
hillbillyjake said:
i just bouhgt a yaesu 2800. is this radio capable of sending e-mail?


Email typically runs on top of APRS. The Yaesu 2800 is a bare bones radio that doesn't offer many options for connecting to a Terminal Node Connector (TNC). You can connect via the mike and speaker jacks, but it doesn't have a dedicated port.

gary in ohio

craig said:
Email typically runs on top of APRS. The Yaesu 2800 is a bare bones radio that doesn't offer many options for connecting to a Terminal Node Connector (TNC). You can connect via the mike and speaker jacks, but it doesn't have a dedicated port.

Email doesnt run on top of APRS, While you can send messages from APRS nodes , its not true email. You can use winlink to extend last mile for email uising a VHF/UHF radio and a TNC but you talking about known end points not I need to send email now wherever I am . You can setup an HF system and attach to the winlink system but your talking about
300baud SLOW email, ultra low volume email, no attachments and your talking about starting with an $800-$1000 patctor modem, plus a HF radio (another grand) and antenna system and computer. There are some UHF and VHF winlink systems online but they are few and far between and universally cant be relied on to be there when you need to send mail. Here is a link to the winlink system http://www.winlink.org/


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0018
I've used APRS to send my wife s short email while in the mountains.

The Kenwood TM-D700 includes the ability to do this in a stock radio. No computers required. For a lot of guys, this is all they are really after.
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the only reason i would need e mail on my ham is to send messages like " need help..." or " be home tomorrow". that would be the extent of it. pesronally, i have a better chance of reaching someone threw a simpke e-mail than on the radio they dont have. that is what i would want it for. if the 2800 could be made capabl of this for a reasonable price that would be great, but if not i will look into it more the next time i buy a radio.


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