E350 7.3 no start.



2003 E350 7.3 powerstroke diesel.
Drove my van to the store today; started fine after I got back into the van, then just lost power and died backing out of my spot. I can get it to crank fine, and if I cycle the key/ignition a few times it sometimes (but not always) briefly starts then dies again... however, it's very weak and pushing the pedal to the floor does nada.
I'm thinking it's a fuel issue, and yes I have fuel in the tank. Maybe the fuel pump?
I'm not getting any codes. Normally, it starts easily.
I've checked the inertia switch behind the PS kick panel already.

any ideas?


Well, it's pouring rain at the mo, so I'm not getting any good looks until tomorrow it seems.
I can hear the fuel pump running if I turn the key on and get under the van. I'm thinking I might try and pull a line off the pump and see if it'll suck fuel from a container. I'll also check the fuel bowl (if I can get to it) tomorrow as well...

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Van Builder
I've had aftermarket CPS go bad in just a few days. Could also be ICP sensor. If it isn't working our injectors aren't injecting.


Supporting Sponsor
Check the IDM. Especially if its been wet. Easy to remove, give it a good shake and listen for water.


Wouldn't either of those throw a code?
This feels different from when the CPS goes, more of a starvation type thing versus the immediate 'poof, it's off' when I've had the CPS go bad. I do have another spare that's motorcraft brand, mayhaps after I try some of the other things.
I had/have around 1/4 tank of diesel in the tank, wondering if the infamous suction tube has broken?
Would a low oil condition do this? I recently changed to synthetic with my last oil change, maybe it's low? I check it the oil levels on a semi-regular basis, no leaks and no indications that it's low (not going out in the deluge to check) in my recent level checks...
Just tossing ideas out there.


She started up today with a surging/erratic idle. Finally decided to give up a code as well - P1210 which is for the IPR, and would explain the no start, the dying, and the cray cray idle...

...and the lesson learned is to replace BOTH the ICP aaaaand the IPR at the same time. Once again, stung by the "while I'm in there" struggle.

Luckily, Amazon Prime will have a new motorcraft IPR to me tomorrow.

I'll check out the IDM later today or tomorrow.
I'll also post any pertinent updates for posterity's sake.
thanks folks!


Finally getting through all the layers of stuff, and now that I can get a visit on the IPR, I can see that the tin nut and collar have worked loose and they're sitting somewhere in the engine valley! I guess that explains my problem.... HA!!!
I don't know about you, but I find humor here.
I'll still put the new part in since I've bought it and have it.
I'm also taking the "opportunity" to delete the annoying fuel bowl and add a regulated return, along with pre and post pump filters.... Hooray for bloody knuckles and sore necks!

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