EarthCruiser/Fuso Driving Experience from a Sportsmobile Perspective

it’s worth pointing out that they aren’t even in the same league when it comes to bombing down the highway, pulling grades, and passing slower moving vehicles.

Regardless of how much of a “hurry” you are, or aren’t, in.

I will await Geoffs assessment with baited breath.

I always hesitate to enter these conversations because the assumption is that I am biased....which I am, however, I think it's pretty unfair to compare a diesel Fuso with a V8 gas Fuso and make assumptions that are probably not true and are based on experiences that are how many years old now???

Waiting for someone's assessment of a vehicle which they have not purchased and frankly admitted to not being able to take on a highway is going to be a pretty long wait frankly.


TFL on youtube often do climb test on the Ike Gauntlet road in CO which I think are great. It would be interesting to see something similar between a diesel EC, gas EC, SMB and GXV maybe.

Sounds like a great opportunity for one of those YouTube shoot-out comparison videos.


By the same token, if you don’t care how road worthy your vehicle is, a John Deere Tractor will take you anywhere an EC can go.

As I said in my previous comments, if the main rebuttal to the opinion that something is a dog as an over-the-road vehicle is “why be in a hurry” or “if speed is your only concern” , then perhaps it’s an awful over-the-road vehicle.

Which, for the record, I own one (or at least something similar). I simply have the clear -eyed ability to acknowledge that it’s not a great OtR vehicle but all the other things outweigh that reality.
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By the same token, if you don’t care how road worthy your vehicle is, a John Deere Tractor will take you anywhere an EC can go.

As I said in my previous comments, if the main rebuttal to the opinion that something is a dog as an over-the-road vehicle is “why be in a hurry” or “if speed is your only concern” , then perhaps it’s an awful over-the-road vehicle.

Which, for the record, I own one (or at least something similar). I simply have the clear -eyed ability to acknowledge that it’s not a great OtR vehicle but all the other things outweigh that reality.
Yabuttt, it’s not a great OTR vehicle FOR YOU, not for me.

The EC is a dream OTR vehicle for us, we equate it to a magic carpet ride, a ride that you can’t get with a conventional truck. We’re 8’ above the ground, over the front axle with no hood in the way, long sight lines, and that magnificent living room sized windscreen in front of us. The EC seats are bar none the most comfortable seats I’ve had in any vehicle. The driver seat is like a padded dining room chair. Your back is straight, your upper legs are parallel with the ground and your lower legs are vertical. There is no butt fatigue driving an EC, I can’t say that for my leather F-250 seats.

The important thing is YMMV. Ask an EC owner for their opinion of their vehicle and go from there. Assuming that an EC is crappy OTR truck is simply being ill informed.


Is it on queue yet?

We can have a different opinion for sure, but claiming that mine is ill informed is incorrect. Mine is well informed and perhaps more important, it’s not filtered by some strange need to defend the honor of an inanimate object. But since you mention it, you pointed out all the things that have similarity with a SMB -like ride height; big windshield, no hood, more upright seats as if they are difference makers. I’m wondering if maybe your opinion is the one Ill informed.

The reality is it a crappy OTR vehicle for everyone, we’ve just made the choice that it’s not as important as other things. The man asked what the differences are between his SMB van and a Fuso and I pointed it out: The main difference from a driving perspective is that the FUSO is a dog on the freeway/OTR as compared.



It is nice to see a well-written review from someone with 16 years of experience traveling in a Sportsmobile. I did not see any spelling or grammar mistakes in your original post; you could easily write articles or edit articles for the front page of Expo.



Active member
It would be nice to know what the OTR characteristics are like of the gas version, due to higher HP, more torque, and lot's of suspension tuning? What speeds are expected? How does it track, how does it accelerate, corner, etc? Somethings are correctable. For instance, if it's not tracking well due to weight distribution or steering, adjustments may be possible. Or maybe it's not accelerating on hills due to shifting ratios where reprogramming the transmission could be viable. However, if it's due to the short wheel base, then that's a design choice that is simply a tradeoff as the short wheel base would be more desirable in a lot tight off road scenarios. Likewise, the 37 in tires may affect the OTR handling but may still desirable for offroad, provided OTR is acceptable. Bottomline, is it would be interesting to have more specifics about the on road piece as that still comprises a significant portion of many North American trips. And from an off road perspective, would love to know why the fording depth is only to center of the hub (18 inches)? This seems to be something easily correctable.
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Well-known member
And the point would be??? If your main concern in your overlanding experience is how fast you can go on the highway then maybe a Ferrari is more appropriate. If its a rental then it goes EVERYWHERE.
Ha. I remember about 30 years ago in Death Valley watching a guy take a Porsche 911 (rental I assume) up one of the Jeep trails and hearing the poor thing bottom out on rock after rock. Not sure how far he made it.

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