Here we go again… someone starts a thread with a positive comment about EarthRoamer and the bashing begins. Posts like the one by LandCruiserPhil serve no constructive purpose and seem to be designed to simply stir up a pot of hatred. I find it unfortunate that so many people abuse their freedom of speech (especially in online forums) to make statements of “fact” that are simply untrue. LandCruiserPhil says that [ LLC stiffed] “the people of Colorado and SBA”. His post - like many other posts about EarthRoamer in these forums - is simply untrue. I sold the EarthRoamer factory to a private buyer and paid off the building loans (including the SBA loan) in full. My business partner and I lost a large amount of money on the sale, but
not one taxpayer dollar was used to bail out LLC and all lenders on the property were made whole. The state of Colorado, the federal government and the SBA did not lose any money to the LLC bankruptcy.
Yes, I owned a company ( LLC) that was forced to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Following record sales in 2007, the worst economic decline since the great depression caused new vehicle sales to drop to zero in late 2008. Combine this with very poor timing of moving into an expensive new factory and we had a recipe for disaster. All of this happened at a time when blue chip companies with hundred year histories were going bankrupt, and small businesses across America were in a struggle for survival. LLC was not alone. Almost no one predicted this economic collapse and LLC, like many other businesses failed.
Ultimately, I had to lay off my entire talented, dedicated and hardworking LLC workforce. Customers lost warranties, vendors did not get paid, and we defaulted on credit card loans and business equipment leases. It was absolutely the worst business scenario I could have imagined, and this was the most difficult period of my life. Our company had always paid its bills on time and had an excellent credit rating. It was gut-wrenching to look employees in the eye and tell them they no longer had jobs, or to explain to vendors that there was simply no money to pay their invoices. In what seemed like a flash, the business that I had devoted 10 years of my life to that had been immensely successful was gone. All I can say is that every step of the way I have done my best to act with integrity and “make it right” with as many people and companies as possible.
Enough about the past, this is where we are today… In 2009, I started a new company - Xpedition Vehicle Service LLC (dba EarthRoamer) - that is currently servicing and manufacturing EarthRoamer Xpedition Vehicles. This new company is providing paychecks to employees that are supporting families and making mortgage payments and paying taxes. If it wasn’t for this new company, these talented people would likely be collecting unemployment checks and defaulting on loans and mortgages. My new company is selling Xpedition Vehicles to satisfied customers and purchasing parts and products from a large number of vendors (many of which were former LLC vendors). I make no apologies for starting a new company that is creating jobs, paying taxes, buying parts from vendors and making customers happy by designing and building world class products. I believe that dedication, hard work and good ideas are the fuel that will bring this economy back. Free enterprise is what makes this country great.
I can’t undo the harm that the LLC bankruptcy caused to many people, but I’m doing my best to move forward in a positive manner by designing and building world class expedition vehicles and creating real jobs. The “new EarthRoamer” is hiring. If you are good enough to build and service the best, please fill out an application ( and email it to us.
It is interesting to see (and difficult for me to understand) the larger number of negative EarthRoamer posts from people who were not LLC employees, customers or vendors - and to my knowledge not harmed by the bankruptcy in any way. These posters have no personal knowledge of the situation, yet are eager to make negative posts and chime in as experts. I can only hope that the average reader of these forums is intelligent enough to realize that just because some yahoo with a keyboard and an internet connection makes a statement of “fact”, it isn’t necessarily so.
I would also hope that the people who make these negative posts and spread this misinformation realize the harm that they do to hardworking EarthRoamer employees and their families. “EarthRoamer” isn’t just some faceless company - it is a group of dedicated, hardworking individuals with families that depend on EarthRoamer paychecks.
If you have any legitimate questions about me, my company or our products, call me or send me an email and I’ll do my best to provide you with accurate answers.
Bill Swails
President and CEO
720-762-0040 office
303-601-7659 cell