Earthroamer Factory Visit


Is that the Expeditions West XV-JP?

Yep, looks like it is. Same wheels, tires, snorkel, heat reduction hood, Viking winch rope and looks like the TruckLite LED headlamps.

The theme of this thread is to let those who know the facts provide the details. Let’s leave it to Bill, Scott or others in the know to confirm that this is the old Expeditions West rig and end the speculation.


  • EW ER.jpg
    EW ER.jpg
    41.1 KB · Views: 47
Hey is that TinCup pass and Mirror Lake?

The group photos were taken at just under 12,000 foot elevation at an old mine near Monarch Pass. The lake in the third picture is indeed Mirror Lake near Tin Cup Pass (good eye 1leglance), The last photo of the XV-JP in the Aspens was taken just north of Twin Lakes.

Is that the Expeditions West XV-JP?

Yes, the white XV-JP in our shop is the one Scott drove to Central America. Scott is always testing new vehicles and doesn't like making payments on loans, so after his Central America trip he offered it for sale and we bought it from him. My employees have been enjoying it this summer and also used it on our Owner's Rally (it is on the right end of the line-up in the group photo).

The green XV-JP is the one that has been to Central America twice, is featured in the HDNET TV show American Explorer, was featured in Car and Driver and is the one Scott drove across the Rubicon trail becoming the first self contained camper to do so.

Bill Swails
President and CEO


This is a discussion forum, not a "say only positive things about vendors" forum.

Correct, but when it turns into a "spew cynical and inaccurate information about company XYZ" forum, as it did with ER, that is not the sort of discussion that most find useful.
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New member
As a newer Earthroamer owner, I spend a lot of time lurking in this forum and others just listening to the chatter. We’ve been silent but I think its time to start participating.

My wife and I are planning a long-term trip to drive around the world. We are leaving in one year. In 2008 we spent a year investigating vehicles that could handle the job and give us all we needed. Important to us were 4WD, city maneuverability, comfort and space to name a few.

In our evaluation, every product had its pros and cons. Re the Earthroamer, I read up on both sides of the issue and between the lines on the sales slicks and the negative comments.

Politics aside, in spite of the bankruptcy and much of the negative chatter, we selected an Earthroamer because it was the best vehicle for the job we wanted to do. We made a buying decision in the height of the bankruptcy timeline – and in full disclosure -- we did buy used so warranties were not an issue for us.

The point is - the Internet is filled with hype and misinformation alongside factual helpful data. The challenge for many of us is sifting through it. But in the end, its wise to discount the extremists, investigate the rumors and take information on these forums as only part of your evaluation.

One last point - Bill - guess we're not on your list but we're here in Colorado and did not know about the rally - would have been good to join. We kept looking for info on your website but didn't see it there.

Jim and Wendy Pearson
Earthroamer #40


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Hey Jim & Wendy,
Glad to hear you have your earthroamer and I think your post was one of the best I have read regarding this kind of thing.
I am looking forward to following your trip and knowing that you will present your thoughts on the rig & the travels honestly
thanks for chiming in


New member
Hey Lance,
Thanks for your note - and its great to re-connect with you. Hope you are well. We've been doing a lot of planning behind the scenes. Still on track for our 9-10-11 departure. More to come as soon as we get that website launched!

Wendy & Jim


Correct, but when it turns into a "spew cynical and inaccurate information about company XYZ" forum, as it did with ER, that is not the sort of discussion that most find useful.

While I didn't see some posts that were deleted, I haven't seen much of "spewing of cynical and inaccurate information". Any examples? What I've seen on the forums are usually specific criticism that are defended by generalities and platitudes. And perhaps an historical quote.
2011 XV-LT Photos

I took a new 2011 XV-LT out for a test drive today and snapped a couple of photos. This is the first one we've done in this color and it is quickly becoming my favorite. The 2011 F-550s are an amazing truck.





Bill Swails
President and CEO


Very cool truck.
I was in a shop several weeks ago when the owner pulled in a 2011 Ford diesel that he swore was a gas engine. He wasn't paying attention as the Ford diesel is not that quiet, but it sure is better than any other truck diesel.
I pointed out the badge on the truck to him. He he was confused and changed the subject.
The 2011 is about as perfect as a platform as one could want for a big camper like ER. I like how Ford has responded to reports of any issues with the new drive train. They seem "dead set" in getting it right.


Bill, I just wanted to drop a quick note in here that I think its wonderful that you've been taking a more active communications role on Expedition Portal lately. While I'm still a [winning] lottery ticket away from being a prospective customer, it really looks great for your company when the chief takes a hands-on approach to answering customer questions in a public setting such as this. Not only does it effectively share accurate information about your company and products, but it also shows that you are interested in hearing and using customer input to constantly improve your products.

I think I speak for many here when I say, "Don't be a stranger!". We look forward to seeing you around more often in the future.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
Bill, I just wanted to drop a quick note in here that I think its wonderful that you've been taking a more active communications role on Expedition Portal lately. While I'm still a [winning] lottery ticket away from being a prospective customer, it really looks great for your company when the chief takes a hands-on approach to answering customer questions in a public setting such as this. Not only does it effectively share accurate information about your company and products, but it also shows that you are interested in hearing and using customer input to constantly improve your products.

I think I speak for many here when I say, "Don't be a stranger!". We look forward to seeing you around more often in the future.

I was just about to say the exact same thing. I think your broad experience is really valuable for all of us.
Thanks for being more active on the forum - I think we all appreciate.


Expedition Leader
A quote from Theodore Roosevelt comes to mind:

"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or when the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worth cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

I wish our leaders today could even think along these lines, let alone articulate it so well.

I am not, and likely never will be an EV customer, but I am fully supportive their efforts to keep in business. This is a challenge becoming increasingly difficult in this regulatory system. Um, I mean tax economy. Darn, I mean governmental establishment.

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