Earthroamer For Sale

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Arten Fab

Seems like all this could be related and solved WITHOUT all the Manufactured drama and mystery. You’re allegedly suffering from dibilitating anxiety, experienced an unplanned hosptial stay and now paying out untold dollars in repairs... What? Seriously?

Dude either you were defrauded and you should sue the responsible party or you simply bought a POS rig because you didn’t do your due diligence and now you’re freaking out. Geez enough already just get on with it, tell your side and be done. Because, right now, based on your cryptic posts and self promotion of your completely unrelated business and profession; I’m guessing you’re simply an attention seeking drama queen.

Arten Fab

Dude YOU are the one who came on here and did everything I pointed out AND in the process disparaged the seller you bought it from and EarthRoamer. If they have perpetrated any malfeasance against you SUE THEM. That’s what professional people do when there is an alledged fraud or failure to perform. As far as waiting to post the facts.... you again are the one teasing out “details”... what would have stopped you from just being silent until you had compiled your facts? Instead you have claimed the EarthRoamer people were less than honest with you and that the seller had caused you to have to go to hospital and offered zero as to why. That is unacceptable juvenile behavior and you’ve doubled down on that by threatening to take your ball and go home and not tell your story. Frankly that’s just chickencrap behavior.


Hi all
Sorry i will post the full story but as it stands right now i still have many more things to check and fixes to finish and document, we also cannot put it on the road to take it anywhere to be worked on (temporary tag has run out) or even sell it as we still have not received the tittle via Earth Roamer .

Earth Roamer #94 will be in a way better truck when ER Apparently inspected and consigned it on to Mark (owner for two weeks )we cannot see any way we will keep it ( it only represents stress so far) .

Its totally my fault, I let my guard down was led by ER employees and for once in my life i believed and it has bit me in the ********.

Unfortunately we sold our beloved camper and we have nothing to fall back on until we get title and fix and sell this thing.

Current out of pocket ER recipients with no ownership title that builds military and commercial simulation and display products not campers.
I added this because a comment now (removed) said i was a probably a competitor camper builder troll .

Normally I am up for a good earthroamer bashing (frankly, I find them to be overpriced and elitist), but this is pathetic. Baiting us for a month... trashing earthroamer... providing no evidence. I don't really care anymore, the window is closed. Also, no offense, but you claim to run a US based business (pixelwix) yet you have some of the worst grammar and spelling I've ever seen. I had to read your post 3 or 4 times to understand it. It lacks coherency. At first I figured you were a foreigner - which is fine, I never make fun of foreigners for poor spelling because of their bad language. But apparently you aren't a foreigner. You claim earth roamer hasn't given you a title yet, which makes no sense. Obviously there is way more to this story than meets the eye. Sounds like you plan to get the title, throw some duct tape on it and sell it to some other unsuspecting customer. Okay then.


New member
OK... at the risk of speaking for Chris, I will add some information which will hopefully limit some of the banter going on here. I PM'd Chris about a month ago when this was first posted, as I had looked hard at #94 from ER (but passed) and was seriously entertaining another used, private-party ER of same model year (2008). In his defense, I got a call back very quickly from Chris and we talked for ~1hr+ about his ordeal. Sounds like he was on the unfortunately end of a quick sale from the original buyer from ER, after only having the rig for 2 weeks off the ER pre-owned lot. Bottom line is there were a couple serious issues and (several smaller cosmetic ones) that should have been known/caught by ER in the "500 point inspection" when it left the lot to original buyer, 2 weeks before Chris purchased it from him. I actually also spoke to the original buyer (seller to Chris) briefly as well after he posted here, who re-iterated to me at that time that after using it for 2 weeks he and his wife decided it wasn't for them (didn't need 4x4, wanted more space, better ride, comfort, etc...) . Back to my conversation with Chris - if you are familiar with ERs, they developed a hydronic system that circulates engine coolant back to the house hot water tank which pulls heat off the coolant to heat the water in the tank. It is actually a pretty ingenious system of using engine heat to provide hot water for the rig. That developed a leak, draining most if not all the coolant from the system and overheating the engine. Having done a little more research since then, I've learned this same thing has happened on more than a couple other ERs. On top of that there were several other issues - non-functioning house AC, broken house windows, and a few others I'm forgetting....all of which contributed to Chris becoming de-hydrated while he was stuck in rig in southeast summer heat for multiple days while it was immobilized (sounds like it might still be).

I can't speak to the title issues but I can tell you from talking to Chris, he is an engineer, a pretty smart guy, did a thorough inspection of the rig after uncovering some of these issues, has talked with ER folks extensively about them, and I believe he has documentation/photos to support that some or all of the issues where present when the rig left the ER lot. Unfortunately he is the 2nd buyer so I do not think there is any recourse. In fact, I don't think there would even be any recourse for buyer #1 as l believe these only come with a 3 or 5 day warranty, if any. That is all I know. My personal take away is, buyer beware or in other words, learn as much as possible about the nuances of the rig you are going to buy. Expedition camper conversion vehicles are a science project by nature and any owner should be prepared for that. I personally still plan to buy an ER some day, but I will go into it knowing the various systems, risks with the powerstroke diesels, etc...

Arten Fab

OK... at the risk of speaking for Chris, I will add some information which will hopefully limit some of the banter going on here. I PM'd Chris about a month ago when this was first posted, as I had looked hard at #94 from ER (but passed) and was seriously entertaining another used, private-party ER of same model year (2008). In his defense, I got a call back very quickly from Chris and we talked for ~1hr+ about his ordeal. Sounds like he was on the unfortunately end of a quick sale from the original buyer from ER, after only having the rig for 2 weeks off the ER pre-owned lot. Bottom line is there were a couple serious issues and (several smaller cosmetic ones) that should have been known/caught by ER in the "500 point inspection" when it left the lot to original buyer, 2 weeks before Chris purchased it from him. I actually also spoke to the original buyer (seller to Chris) briefly as well after he posted here, who re-iterated to me at that time that after using it for 2 weeks he and his wife decided it wasn't for them (didn't need 4x4, wanted more space, better ride, comfort, etc...) . Back to my conversation with Chris - if you are familiar with ERs, they developed a hydronic system that circulates engine coolant back to the house hot water tank which pulls heat off the coolant to heat the water in the tank. It is actually a pretty ingenious system of using engine heat to provide hot water for the rig. That developed a leak, draining most if not all the coolant from the system and overheating the engine. Having done a little more research since then, I've learned this same thing has happened on more than a couple other ERs. On top of that there were several other issues - non-functioning house AC, broken house windows, and a few others I'm forgetting....all of which contributed to Chris becoming de-hydrated while he was stuck in rig in southeast summer heat for multiple days while it was immobilized (sounds like it might still be).

I can't speak to the title issues but I can tell you from talking to Chris, he is an engineer, a pretty smart guy, did a thorough inspection of the rig after uncovering some of these issues, has talked with ER folks extensively about them, and I believe he has documentation/photos to support that some or all of the issues where present when the rig left the ER lot. Unfortunately he is the 2nd buyer so I do not think there is any recourse. In fact, I don't think there would even be any recourse for buyer #1 as l believe these only come with a 3 or 5 day warranty, if any. That is all I know. My personal take away is, buyer beware or in other words, learn as much as possible about the nuances of the rig you are going to buy. Expedition camper conversion vehicles are a science project by nature and any owner should be prepared for that. I personally still plan to buy an ER some day, but I will go into it knowing the various systems, risks with the powerstroke diesels, etc...

It’s really not that hard and if this is true it’s informative and could have been posted by Chris. Far less drama and issues. He may have even gotten some good guidance on how to proceed. Instead, he teased and drug it out for over a month, insinuated he’d been mislead by EarthRoamer and finally its now submitted via proxy and is second hand info.

Anyway, not my monkey and it’s not my circus. Just tired of watching this one.


OK... at the risk of speaking for Chris, I will add some information which will hopefully limit some of the banter going on here. I PM'd Chris about a month ago when this was first posted, as I had looked hard at #94 from ER (but passed) and was seriously entertaining another used, private-party ER of same model year (2008). In his defense, I got a call back very quickly from Chris and we talked for ~1hr+ about his ordeal. Sounds like he was on the unfortunately end of a quick sale from the original buyer from ER, after only having the rig for 2 weeks off the ER pre-owned lot. Bottom line is there were a couple serious issues and (several smaller cosmetic ones) that should have been known/caught by ER in the "500 point inspection" when it left the lot to original buyer, 2 weeks before Chris purchased it from him. I actually also spoke to the original buyer (seller to Chris) briefly as well after he posted here, who re-iterated to me at that time that after using it for 2 weeks he and his wife decided it wasn't for them (didn't need 4x4, wanted more space, better ride, comfort, etc...) . Back to my conversation with Chris - if you are familiar with ERs, they developed a hydronic system that circulates engine coolant back to the house hot water tank which pulls heat off the coolant to heat the water in the tank. It is actually a pretty ingenious system of using engine heat to provide hot water for the rig. That developed a leak, draining most if not all the coolant from the system and overheating the engine. Having done a little more research since then, I've learned this same thing has happened on more than a couple other ERs. On top of that there were several other issues - non-functioning house AC, broken house windows, and a few others I'm forgetting....all of which contributed to Chris becoming de-hydrated while he was stuck in rig in southeast summer heat for multiple days while it was immobilized (sounds like it might still be).

I can't speak to the title issues but I can tell you from talking to Chris, he is an engineer, a pretty smart guy, did a thorough inspection of the rig after uncovering some of these issues, has talked with ER folks extensively about them, and I believe he has documentation/photos to support that some or all of the issues where present when the rig left the ER lot. Unfortunately he is the 2nd buyer so I do not think there is any recourse. In fact, I don't think there would even be any recourse for buyer #1 as l believe these only come with a 3 or 5 day warranty, if any. That is all I know. My personal take away is, buyer beware or in other words, learn as much as possible about the nuances of the rig you are going to buy. Expedition camper conversion vehicles are a science project by nature and any owner should be prepared for that. I personally still plan to buy an ER some day, but I will go into it knowing the various systems, risks with the powerstroke diesels, etc...

Thank you for posting this. I have been curious and waiting on a public response from the owner since they first mentioned the mysterious problems and injuries. The mechanical issues and the other issues with the lack of proper inspection, etc, should not be held so close to the vest when there are so many people on this forum who might NEED this information (owners, prospective buyers...). This is what a forum should be for, helping fellow members. Instead we got a post saying an EarthRoamer might send you to the hospital, and instead of explaining what the danger is they let other owners read this and wonder if their vehicle is about to maim them or their family.

As for the OP, I hope all is well, that they have recovered, and that everything turns out well. I also hope this wasn't some attempt to force EarthRoamer to fix issues outside of warranty by threatening to leave a horror story on a thread that, by now, probably has a ton of followers as we have been waiting for the story. And OP, please do not take offense at us thinking that a possibility, as the internet is full of people pulling such stunts. We do not yet "know you" as we might other more regular and long time posters on this amazing forum. I, myself, am still very new on this forum, and look forward to continued reading and learning!
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