Earthroamer sell off?


Well-known member

But the sheer number of these stupidly expensive vehicles for sale also tells me another thing: the people that have that much money to throw around on toys are typically well informed/educated, they see the (economic/financial) writing on the wall & are liquidating toys while the market is still relatively stable.
Which wall is the writing on?


Well-known member

But the sheer number of these stupidly expensive vehicles for sale also tells me another thing: the people that have that much money to throw around on toys are typically well informed/educated, they see the (economic/financial) writing on the wall & are liquidating toys while the market is still relatively stable.
and getting rid of monthly expenses. not a bad plan!


All this talk of "stupidly expensive" and "value not there" doesn't compute when you're talking about a purchase by someone with the means to make it happen. You may think it's stupid, you may think the value is not there, but other people think differently.

Why are there so many used ERs for sale? I suspect a lot of those trucks for sale are from the zombie apocalypses buyers. Covid spawned so much anxiety and stress that some folks went out and dropped a ton of money on a get-away vehicle. All the big truck makers, EC, ER, and GEV, worked overtime satisfying demand from 2020 to 2022.

Many of these buyers had zero camping or overlanding experience, but what they had was cash. We have all run into people like this, formerly empty beaches in Baja have been wall-to-wall with them over the last few winters. When the crisis abated and the overlanding dream didn't meet their expectations, the truck went up for sale. I suspect we're at that point now.

There are probably some good deals out there for cash buyers if a big truck is your thing.


New member
4 years ago you could get a loan for one at roughly 3.5-4%.

Given that my meager portfolio is running at around a 10-12% avg for the last decade I wouldn’t exactly consider it deranged.

But that’s just me.
I was going to respond with something similar. I don’t have an ER, but have a MH that is being upgraded for better off-road performance right after the first of the year (I wanted more comfort than the ER provides and don’t need the extreme nature of an ER), and could have easily paid cash without stressing finances. 3%-4% money is free when you have a portfolio returning 20%. Heck, I have a second portfolio with more conservative investments throwing off almost 10%.

With that said, it’s a bad idea to finance anything you can’t pay for in cash…IMHO.


Active member
Many expensive toys a few years ago were bought using 3% 2nd mortgages on their homes.

Guess what, those rates were not fixed and have doubled. So the monthly cost of those expensive toys just doubled.


Well-known member
I was going to respond with something similar. I don’t have an ER, but have a MH that is being upgraded for better off-road performance right after the first of the year (I wanted more comfort than the ER provides and don’t need the extreme nature of an ER), and could have easily paid cash without stressing finances. 3%-4% money is free when you have a portfolio returning 20%. Heck, I have a second portfolio with more conservative investments throwing off almost 10%.

With that said, it’s a bad idea to finance anything you can’t pay for in cash…IMHO.
|Amen to that. One thing that we Americans can learn from the Japanese!


Well folks, there's more earthroamers for sale on their pre-owned page than I have ever seen.

24. Yes, twenty-four.

Weirdly enough, I always sort of think of the earthroamer pre-owned page as a barometer of how the economy is going, and clearly it's not going well.


Well-known member
Well folks, there's more earthroamers for sale on their pre-owned page than I have ever seen.

24. Yes, twenty-four.

Weirdly enough, I always sort of think of the earthroamer pre-owned page as a barometer of how the economy is going, and clearly it's not going well.
Seems like a lot, but they have probably made 400 or more vehicles over the years, so seeing maybe even 10% of them for sale per year wouldn't be a shock. And, it's expensive enough that they may not sell right away. Kind of like a house, if you price it near the top of the value range, it takes a while to sell it.

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