Well, GXV had their branch out brand with the Adventure Trucks which was smaller and more "Reasonably Priced" (relatively speaking anyway) but they never really took off. Likely due to horrendous customer service.
Its not really possible to go smaller than the F450/4400 and have a fully built out truck and camper and have it anywhere near GVWR.
The TruckHouse thing was a hilarious idea and anyone that thought that would work out needs to lay off the glue inhalation.
I am still 51% convinced it was all a marketing / investment scheme to get a bunch of $ to build some cool trucks for the owners.
Its been what? 2 years now, and other than the few shop trucks they post pics of, there has yet to be one delivered to an actual paying customer?
The amount of capital to sustain that for 2 years or so is INSANE.
The truth will eventually come out, but i am betting on bankruptcy and fraud charges in their future.
Back on original Topic, i am not a Chevy or a Ford guy, but aethestically speaking, i very much like the SX. Looks a lot more balanced cab to camperwise.