Eco-Roamer - F650 based Expedition Vehicle


Well if it matters that much don't drive. People have walked or ridden bicycles around the World. John Muir walking from Southern OZ to Northern OZ was very inspiring, took him three months if my memory serves me correctly.

Need a lot of resources to build a vehicle in the first place. Anything from mining the iron ore for the steel to the copper found in the wiring and electric motors...a lot of destruction is caused, as you listed.

I guess i'm one of the few who agrees with your opinion and views.

My opinion is someone who really wants to be eco friendly will sacrifice many luxuries/material things to protect the envirioment.

Who is more eco friendly, an average person who lives in a 1,000 sf. home, drives an old truck, keeps it running by using recycled parts, doesn't travel much or someone who has a 6,000sf mansion, many cars/trucks, takes many road trips and jetsets around the world BUT put bamboo flooring in his house and put some solar panels up ?

I do think the truck is impressive but I agree with RR1 that the name doesn't fit.

O.K. I'm going to go burn some coal, chop down some trees and do some hydraulic mining in my back yard.... Carry on:coffeedrink:


Photographer in the Wild
Yeah I am not going to tell you what I drive, I shouldn't have to justify my lifestyle and vehicle choices. Calling that behemoth a little bizarre to me. It is like calling a 40 horse power VW Transporter "Super-Sonic" But hey to each their own, right?:ylsmoke:

I didn't ask for justification. Based on all 50ish posts you have made you have yet to say anything worth hearing anyways. Not to be a jerk or anything but this is an outdoor off road forum. We may not all agree on everything even half of the time but we are pulled in by the desire to experience the world/ our country/ even our state in a more natural way. In your posts all I see is condescending self righteous opinion that neither help or encourage. Being an asset to society or to a community is a goal each person should have and this weather you like it or not is a community.

Sorry for the thread jack Jay. I am done.


New member
Holy S*&# Batman! I never dreamt my simple comment would give so many people wedgies. I don't consider myself to be an enviromentalist by any means but I know how to cut thru BS when I hear it. Sorry if that sounds obnoxious, its the way I am, like it or not, I call things like I see 'em. Let me state some FACTS: Steel is the most widely recycled material in the US and world. The steel recycling rate is more than paper, plastic, copper, glass and aluminum combined. The recycle rate for vehicles in the US is close to or EXCEEDS 100% How can that be? Newer vehicles are built using lighter, stronger steels so the same number or more new vehicles can be built for the same number of old vehicles recycled. I drive an F350 4WD diesel that gets 19-20 mpg highway and weighs 7000 lbs plus or minus. So, its made from recycled steel, it has recycled plastic mudflaps and the floor mats are made from recycled rubber. If I start using biodiesel I can start calling it an ECO-COMMUTER? Cmon, how can a 14 ton vehicle that is going to be driven around the world to look at things be called an ECO vehicle?? If it was a lightweight diesel VW camper with a flip top tent thingie I'd buy the ECO part. Talking about biodiesel, it takes methanol to produce it, methanol comes from natural gas, where you gonna get the nat. gas. if its not out of the ground? If all the US ran on bio that's going to need a whole lot more methanol to process the veggie oil into biodiesel. Don't tell me bio doesn't compete for food, if the US ran all on bio from soy or rape it would require more than all of the land in the US to grow it, What you gonna eat? If they perfect bio from algae that will reduce the land required by a lot but that's pie in the sky right now. My goodness, you guys have a hard time taking a little criticism about a 14 ton vehicle being labeled as ECO friendly. I rest my case. Peace.


I didn't ask for justification. Based on all 50ish posts you have made you have yet to say anything worth hearing anyways. Not to be a jerk or anything but this is an outdoor off road forum. We may not all agree on everything even half of the time but we are pulled in by the desire to experience the world/ our country/ even our state in a more natural way. In your posts all I see is condescending self righteous opinion that neither help or encourage. Being an asset to society or to a community is a goal each person should have and this weather you like it or not is a community.

Sorry for the thread jack Jay. I am done.

I am sorry that my honesty comes off as being condescending. I believe in being honest.

You have to realize I am just cranky old fart that has been around the block one too many times.

My apologies for coming across crass.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Jay huge kudos for finding a way to have a great work/life balance...
you have a way to work & travel..
to give your kids the gift of mind expansion through new experiences in new places..
your family has a great place to live in..
and you are doing in a way that lessens the impact of your build & your travel.
Great job..

To all those that don't like it or the name...So What?
Really does it make you feel better?
What happen to the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all?"
If you have honest comments on the build, the systems, or the engineering then fine, but to bash someone over the name..well that is just childish.

So either do it better your self, add something of value to the conversation or be quiet.

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
Great rig Jay! I really wanted to buy you and your family a meal in exchange for a tour when you were traveling through Southern California. Schedule just didn't allow for it. Hopefully some other time.

Please keep posting updates. I look forward to the updates. (Not the unrelated posts).


I would love to have you guys up to our place. If your ever up towards Estes Park Colorado drop me a line so we can meet up. I was going to try to make to the expo but it is not going to happen this year startup businesses tend to suck your funds and and time dry. Good luck in your travels.

Ford Prefect

Expedition Leader
Hey DSW4X4

I watched your build, very cool van you have there.

So Jay, I have been watching your build for some time. I am REALLY looking forward to some more interior shots! I like the steps you have to the upper bed, but I was wondering about whomever sleeps in the side fold out bed; I mean it looks like there are several sharp steps pointing out towards them. Any concern with your kids beating themselves up a it on those corners?

Also directed to Jay, and his awesome build...Watching the Hissy fit folks have put on your build, I found this in one of the posts.
So either do it better your self, add something of value to the conversation or be quiet.

I find it ironic that SO MANY people say this statement, but seem to fail to realize that everyone contributes value, and sadly most people only think that those who agree with them have something valuable to say. THANK YOU for sharing what YOU value with us. (including your obvious feelings towards your family.)

I think you are doing a great job on your build. No way I figure I could afford one, but I love it.

Love the Cab and the seats that swing round to conference. Also love the pass through. With the pass through how much frame/chassis flex do you expect to encounter, and how did you compensate with the camper build for that flex, and how did you compensate for the Chassis/Camper pass through to flex with it? As I have pondered doing a build of my own some day this is the biggest concern I have right now, and your pass through is HUGE compared to most, and I LOVE IT!

Thanks a lot for sharing all of this information!

OH, and I also have to say that the roll up wall on the lift roof sound ingenious! You will have to let us know when you are in a major rain storm, or dust storm, how well that ends up working out for you. If it works well then you may well have come up with the new standard!


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DONE!!! ...well sort of

The EcoRoamer is officially:


Ok, Ok... so I know it's never actually, really finished, and there will always be things to improve, but for now, after 2.5 years of building and 6 years of planning, I am officially declaring the "Build" phase over. Long live the "traveling" phase!

What the heck do I do with my spare evenings and weekends now!?!?

Oh, I know... I think I'll drive to Arizona for the Overland Expo! Ya, that's a cool way to spend a weekend!

The newly-complete EcoRoamer will be there for anyone who wants to drop by The Muskoka Foundation booth.

Many more details and pictures will follow. In the mean time I have 2,000 solo miles to drive to get there. Please follow along at:


If you are on Google Latitude:

(what? you're not on Google Latitude!? Why not!?)

OH! ...and so long as we're sharing good news, I made us a logo:


What do you think?

Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who helped us get to this point. Thank you! :victory:

...and to those of you who told me that it was "impossible" to build a "proper" expedition vehicle in North America:

(You know who you are!)


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