8years with 2 Engels, 3 trips with an ARB before the compressor needed replacing. I view refrigerators as a semi-disposable items; no need to overspend. Also, by you're logic, you can produce a 10volume binder set on well known problems with Series Land Rovers, including the ever-present frame corrosion and Lucas electronics issues but you seem to be proud of yours. In fact, I've yet to meet an unhappy Series owner. I still regret selling mine 20 years later, despite all it's quirks. Yet statistics would show it was one of the worst vehicles ever made, just like the VW bug. Does that mean they are crappy cars? It would certainly appear so to a non- owner. My advice: get an Edgestar, use it, enjoy it, then you're comments on a thread about owner experiences (entitled, "who owns one?") will be taken as something other than elitist bashing.
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