Edgestar Fridge Modifications Thread


What plug/cord is that and where did you get it? I pulled my stock one out last night to test my new dual battery setup and saw that the connector was broken. I want to replace it with something a little more durable.

It that just the stock cord with some wire loom over it?


I like the solar windscreen-sourced cover, but has anyone found a better option that that? I was thinking something along the lines of a BBQ grill cover. Something that would help insulate and protect the fridge while traveling, but which could quickly be slipped off & on at camp.


since my fridge sits in the "bed" of my truck I had to "weatherproof" it

dust covers over vents and magnetic sheets to completely cover the vents if needed

What did you use for the dust covers over the vents? Are those dryer sheets? I was thinking of doing something like that but with blanket batting material for better dust filtration.

Deleted member 9101

I like the solar windscreen-sourced cover, but has anyone found a better option that that? I was thinking something along the lines of a BBQ grill cover. Something that would help insulate and protect the fridge while traveling, but which could quickly be slipped off & on at camp.

Thats exactly what I did, got a 12.00 grill cover from big lots, cut it to length, then strapped it around it. I'll snap a better pic when I get a chance. Got ti up to 85 on I4 and it held on with no problems.

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Thats exactly what I did, got a 12.00 grill cover from big lots, cut it to length, then strapped it around it. I'll snap a better pic when I get a chance. Got ti up to 85 on I4 and it held on with no problems.


What size grill cover is that? If my local Big Lots doesn't happen to have that one, what size am I looking for elsewhere?


Power? 12 VS 24 Volt

I just ordered me the 63 Qt Model and I can only guess that most people are running 12 volt while on the road. Since the unit take 12 or 24 volt DV in which is better? If I could find a electrical schematic I doubt I could understand it.

Has anyone measured the power draw difference between 12 and 24? If not I’ll ride this donkey this weekend. If there is a difference I will plan my aux battery install accordingly, yes 12 volt would be easier but you never know how they have the power setup inside.


the unit should be the same on 12 or 24. given the same load on the compressor, it will draw 1/2 the amps at twice the voltage. if you already have a 12v electrical system, then i'd just keep it 12v.

has anyone successfully had their fridge serviced by anyone other than edgestar/compactappliance? mine is not working correctly anymore, and compactappliance decided to just refund my purchase rather than repair the unit.


New member
sorry guys havent been on much

the cord is from an old vcr I beleive, was 110v originally but fits the connector fine and is of much better quality plastic than the stock cord, i just cut the outlet plug off it and soldered it to a quick disconnect which is connected to my aux battery via a blue sea fusebox

dust covers are from
had some leftover at work so i cut a few pieces off. they work great so far!


What is yours doing or probably not doing.

Have you checked all of the electrical connections, that seems to be the major problems with these fridges?
yeah, i have been through the electricals before without finding much. it had been basically slow to cool, and if in direct sunlight it couldn't keep up with the cooling demand while on 12v. not sure if it had the same problem on AC power, but it did fine in a hot garage during the summer.

it was working fine a while back on 120v, cooled down fine, but didn't work on 12v due to an issue with the cig. lighter plug. it had been sitting off for a couple of months and when i plugged it in and set the temp, it could only muster down to 56 degrees, and this was in 70 degree weather. i had called compactappliance about this and was going to send it to them for repair but they decided to refund my purchase rather than fix the fridge.

i think i'll eventually end up having to buy a new fridge, guess i've learned my lesson on buying a scratch/dent that's actually a remanufactured fridge.


Made some brackets that replace the handle.

1. Handle can be put back on for when being used at home and not in vehicle.
2. I wished I had designed it to cover those 2 holes, its annoying me now.
3. Ignore the strap and bungee, this was temp. to see how it fit. I have turnbuckles and wire ready to go lock it down.



any possibilty of reposting the pics? I just got this fridge myself. looking to secure it as well. thanks.

I'll play along.... I'm the satisfied owner of the 43 qt. Edgestar unit. The fridge mounts inside the cab of my 98 Tacoma ExtraCab - behind the driver seat.

I also modified the 12v power supply. Picked up some marine grade (Marinco) 12v receptacles and a companion locking cigarette lighter plug off Amazon and wired a dedicated 12v circuit from the Blue Sea fuse box to the back of the cab. I have one receptacle for the fridge and another for any other 12v powered accessories as needed.

It was a little tight getting the mfr wire into the aftermarket plug - but it can be done - sorry no pictures...

This is also a good time to advise OJ readers that there is in fact a fuse inline (in the plug)....

Securing the fridge to the vehicle was done using some homemade brackets that bolted to the fridge using the existing fasteners for the handles


To these brackets are some short lengths of chain and turnbuckles which I obtained from Home Depot. The forward section of the fridge is also bolted to a shelf I built earlier using t-nuts and a couple of wingnut headed bolts through another homemade barcket that is secured to the fridge using the existing 'feet'


Fridge rides solidly and I'm extremely pleased with the way this all worked out.

I also attempted to fabricate a reflective solar cover for the top of the fridge using a windsheild sun screen


This is working out fairly well, specially when the fridge is getting direct sunlight. The material is really easy to cut/sew, but does have a tendancy to rip along the seams.... It is held in place with four small velcro tabs and can be left in place when fridge access is required...

Silver dude

Installed new steel chest handles. The plastic ones it came with were kinda flexible left some to be desired when securing the fridge with straps.




Installed new steel chest handles. The plastic ones it came with were kinda flexible left some to be desired when securing the fridge with straps.



where did you get those, i was looking to do the same thing and looks like you found some that work perfect!

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