Clearance when Operating FP-430 in a 3-Sided Enclosure?
Hi, new to the forum and saw the thread. (Late as usual) I am planning (all new) cabinets in a very tight space, in a 4x4 small RV redo. Started planning fridge slide racks, then I saw in the FP-430 manual the air-circulation req. specs of 2" on the side (exhaust) fan clearance and 4" to the rear (intake). I know most folks here are mounting as stand-alone, but hoped someone out there might comment on their experience running one of these in a tight cabinet and how well these boxes tolerate restricted space for cooling fans. ( I only want to build it once y'know,.... yeah, right) Am considering a small exhaust fan setup, above if necessary, or a small louver vent through the RV exteror wall (last choice). Thanks for any takers, great forum. TG