EMP jeep


Thanks. Some very interesting responses from much more mechanical minds than my own.

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Heading Out

How far does one have to go back to get a jeep that would start after an EMP?

Would this not be the best choice for such an event?

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Any Jeep with ignition points and a non feedback carb. would be a good choice.. so that should be about the middle 1970's
when most makers started using electronic ignition.


OM617 in our 300GD. That thing is so duct tape and bailing wire, I doubt there is much that would kill it, EMP or otherwise.

However, based on the post with some results and other information, seems like the point is moot and more importantly, if there is an EMP attack, you got bigger fish to fry and like Scott said, I'd be more concerned about supplies and/or training that mobility per se.

In other words, if things go Mad Max style, you need to be multi talented as he was.


This was a fear for me because I work away from home with my family almost year round and being stranded away from hometown and friends is not ideal.

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Though it could be argued that we know next-to-nothing about EMPs, there have been enough experiments to show that they would affect motor vehicles in some way. Future Weapons did a special on it back in the day:

However, the practically of preparing for an EMP with the thought that you're going to stand a better chance of survival with a vehicle is silly. If you want to take that threat "seriously", I would recommend you invest in easy-to-cycle food or in actual survival skills. If you really must buy something to make you feel better, do what another poster said and get a bike. Or get one of those kick-start KLR 250s. Actually, get two and give one to me.

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