Engel Noise


New member
I recently installed an Engel MT45 in my 1999 Tacoma extra-cab. It's behind the driver's seat on a 12x24 inch piece of Oak, held in place by 4 turnbuckles (2 attached to the seat belt points, 2 to a piece of aluminum that I bolted to the floor) all secured to the handles. It's in there nice and tight.

My problem is when I hit bumps, it will make a loud deep knocking sound (CLUNK!). I orginally thought the sound was near the motor, and that maybe it was the shock mounting feature.

I took the fridge inside last night and took the metal case off the motor side. There are about 12 screws holding it together. After that, I noticed the box where the power cord plugs in (and where the fuse is located) was able to swing back and forth freely, causing it to bang on both sides. I took the 4 screws holding the black grate (I think cooling fluid cycles through this cage) off, and pushed it in tighter, and screwed it back together. The power box no longer moves freely (maybe I'm missing a part that holds it in place?), and I put the metal case back on the fridge.

I drove to work and back today, and the sound is still there. It seems that the fridge is in two pieces: 1) the metal case and 2) the fridge box (roughly), and they do not always move together. The turnbuckles hold the metal case securely, but the fridge "interior" (not the basket.. this was out) bounces over bumps.

Do you think this problem has something to do with the way I mounted it in the truck, or is this just the way Engels work? Any experiences out there would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance :)

Scott Brady

There is a swing compressor, which is designed to allow operation at angle. I do notice that mine does what you describe, though it is not very pronounced.

There are lots of Engel owners here, so maybe others will chime in.


New member
Yes, it makes the noise without the basket. I left it out of the fridge today, and it still made the same sound. When I put my hand on the fridge while going over bumps, I can feel the clunking, but the metal exterior does not move at all. I tighened all the screws I could get my screwdriver on, and have tried various degrees of turnbuckle tightness as well. All combos produce the same knocking sound...


Both of mine (MT35 and MT45) make a quiet muffled noise, which as Scott says could be the compressor moving. I don't find it a noise to be alarmed by, there is certainly no direct contact clanging.



nomadic man
My MT45 sits right behind me and I don't hear any unusual noises.
Mine has the transit bag so maybe that muffles it some.

Maybe by using the turnbuckles you are putting some kind of stress on the case and making the noise. Have you tried without the turnbuckles holding it down tight?


Interesting. I occassionally will get a clunking or thumping noise from the area of my fridge (60-litre behind my seat) but I can't say for sure it is the fridge, but I wonder if it is what you describe. It don't notice it much though - only on really rough stuff once in a while. I checked to make sure my mounts were still tight and they are.


2006 Rally Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
BajaTaco said:
Interesting. I occassionally will get a clunking or thumping noise from the area of my fridge (60-litre behind my seat) but I can't say for sure it is the fridge, but I wonder if it is what you describe. It don't notice it much though - only on really rough stuff once in a while. I checked to make sure my mounts were still tight and they are.

You'll notice it now all the time ...:hehe:


New member
Thanks for all the input!

jkam said:
My MT45 sits right behind me and I don't hear any unusual noises.
Mine has the transit bag so maybe that muffles it some.

What do you use to fasten the fridge?

jkam said:
Maybe by using the turnbuckles you are putting some kind of stress on the case and making the noise. Have you tried without the turnbuckles holding it down tight?

Funny you ask... I just loosened the turnbuckles today to give this a shot. I've been tightening it more every time I hear noises, and I think it may have caused some new ones to pop up. The loosened system seems a little quieter (or I missed most of the bumps today), so this is what I'm thinking. The metal case on the motor side is connected to the rest of the fridge with only a few screws (most/all on the bottom) and then the plastic corners on the bottom. This may not be enough to hold the whole 60+ lb box without some motion (the clunk). Possibly people using the transit slide lock (attached to the feet) have better luck, since these may have a better attachment to the "meat" of the fridge?


nomadic man
I use the transit lock plate, it is attatched to a piece of oak that is bolted to the floor.

I though maybe you were tweaking the case by tightening it down so much.

Hope you get it figured out before you have to start wearing ear plugs.:D


New member
While I'm trying to work out the noise problem (earplugs MAY be the answer, LOL), I was wondering if anyone hardwired their fridges? The MT45's on down come with the cigarette plug adapter, but the MT60 apparently can only be connected directly to the battery (so says my users manual). However, I cannot find a picture of what the MT60's power cord looks like...

I installed a dedicated socket in the xtra-cab, and am plugging into that, but read that hardwiring may be better. I pulled the end of the Engel power plug apart, exposing the positive and negative leads, and was wondering if I should connect directly to these, or cut the cord and attach directly to the wires coming from the battery? Or am I fine leaving it plugged into a dedicated socket :confused: Thanks for the help :)


My engle has a fuse in the 12v plug. I have kept that and have it plugged into a dedicated 12v socket. If you modify the cable I would suggest adding the same fuse in line. But there should be no problem with hard wiring it. Had a friend who did that and it seemed to work.



I have the 60 and it is hard-wired to the battery. As Graham said, you just need to make sure it is fused. I ran appropriately sized positive & negative leads into the cab and connected to the paired wire that came with the fridge (made the connection under the dash). Fuse was wired in very close to the battery.

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