Ever worked on a van engine?? Since it's not as easy as: lift the hood, unscrew the plug and screw in the adapter; this is the very last scenario to select (and I personally wouldn't use it). As this is a "last-ditch" question, you're probably not gonna be around the corner from the gas station. And since this is an expedition forum, you're most likely in BFE, so your vehicle is packed for expeditioning, therefore removing the engine cover in a van is a rather large hassle vs. a simple and time-honored bike pump.
A bicycle pump would serve the same purpose AND also air up bicycle tires. :chef:
Yes I have, and your right plugs are difficult to get to in comparison. Actually I worked on a snowblower last week that had a pita spark plug to get to. But as I neither work on commonly or use vans or snowblowers in my outdoor trips nor travel with anyone that does, its completely erroneous, another 'what if'. I think we are all well aware of the fact its not ideal nor even practical for
every application, but if it works in the users particular one there is no reason they should discount it because some guy with a van won't be able to use it lol.
A bike pump? Really like a standard run of the mill bike pump? Sorry... don't see that happening for a 35" tire on my watch. Your telling me removing a spark plug is difficult yet recommending a bike pump to air up a tire? I'm all for doing things the 'old fashioned' way, or trying something out of pure stubbornness... but a bike pump would be the last thing I pack on any of my trips.
We can agree to disagree,
again I'm not advocating them and despite owning one I've never even considered packing it along... but to hype up the use of them as '
taking apart your motor' just because that is the case for a van, or a Camaro or any other non applicable application is misleading to those that they could very well serve nicely The fact is the majority of older 4x4's have complete and easy access to their spark plugs and if your not comfortable safely removing a spark plug and re-installing it on the typical gas motor, I'd honestly recommend you keep your hood shut