Error Code 001 on Canon


Dave Druck [KI6LBB]
Does anyone know how to fix a lens with this problem?

Heard it's common and has to do with the AF lens motor?

Tried cleaning it as it says, but still won't function and i still get the same problem. The lens simply won't auto focus and throws the error when i try and shoot a pic. Says clean lens contact points.

I don't think this lens is worth sending in to Canon, heard it can cost upwards of $300 to fix.

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
I googled Error Code 001 and this was the first link I clicked on.

Someone was asking the same question you did and this was the only two replies

Sounds logical. Might want to clean your contacts and make sure you dont touch them with bare hands

My 100-400IS lens did that last fall on my 10D.. I got two 01 errors in a row. I took off the lens and wiped the camera and lens contacts gently with a dry pad of lens cleaning cloth. It never did it again.

I think all you need is a bit of dust in between the contacts to cause problems. Mine are still bright and shiny and I never touch them so it wasn't a corrosion or skin oil problem.

Of course, if the errors continue, you might want to get the lens checked.

That is a pretty heavy lens. I suspect that the lens can apply some stress to the mount and if there is any play, this may cause intermittent contact problems between the lens and camera body.

I have the same equipment and had a similar experience when shooting a rock concert. Simply removing and re-seating the lens restored proper operation and I have not had a similar problem since. Although at the time I started to panic when power cycling the camera failed to solve the problem.

The contacts never appeared soiled and I resist the temptation to touch them with my fingers as oils may induce damage over time. I only use a clean soft cloth to wipe them down on rare occasions as periodic maintenance.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Check your firmware level in the camera. I just upgraded the firmware in my Canon 50D and one of the improvements was to present more detailed error codes when the older versions just posted an 001 error.

Just a thought...more detail about specifc error is always a good thing.


I got the same code and tried all the common fixes. Gave up and called Cannon and they walked me through the same steps. Finally sent it in to them and about 10 days later had my 40D back covered by Cannon. They were great to work with and my only charge was shipping to them. Came back as a bad sensor. Good Luck


I am probably very wrong, but I'll guess anyways. again, it's just a guess...

code 001: time to buy Nikon.



It sounds like you have multiple lenses. And it sounds like you do not get this error with the other lenses.

If it is the electrical contacts on that lens, exactly how have you cleand them? There shouldn't be any corrosion; but you might try scraping the surface of the contact with the edge of a sharp knife.

If there is any corrosion or a grain of dust embedded in the surface, it will be removed.

If this does not work, then there may be a loose connection inside the lens, that leads to one of the contacts.


Expedition Leader
It sounds like you have multiple lenses. And it sounds like you do not get this error with the other lenses.

If it is the electrical contacts on that lens, exactly how have you cleand them? There shouldn't be any corrosion; but you might try scraping the surface of the contact with the edge of a sharp knife.

If there is any corrosion or a grain of dust embedded in the surface, it will be removed.

If this does not work, then there may be a loose connection inside the lens, that leads to one of the contacts.

I wouldn't use a knife. In electronics, we frequently used a pencil eraser (the pink kind) and if that didn't work a pen eraser (the green abrasive kind).:)

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