OK.“Disaster” is perhaps a slight exaggeration.
Some guys I know were 3/4 of the way across the Simpson in a big rig after having wrecked 3 tyres with stakes with a couple of hundred km to go. Pretty stressful, particularly as there would not be a tyre available for their rig within a couple of thousand km.
We have been across the Simpson several times and never damaged a tyre.
Earlier this year we travelled the southern half of the Canning. No tyre damage. But this was a Dodge Ram. It was the only wider vehicle we saw.
Coincidence? I don't think so.

It stands to reason that if you are wider than most other vehicles then you are at greater risk of tyre damage and that is doubly the case if you are also long which is the case with the vehicles in question, more so than a U500 style vehicle.
Elsewhere, I posted a pic of the Simpson recovery vehicle. Here it is again. This vehicle was purchased new and was originally converted to a motorhome. The owner and his family travelled in it for a year and then removed the motorhome body and converted it to a recovery vehicle because it was too restricted as to where it could go in Oz.

OKA196 motorhome
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