Cackalak Han
Any more updates on this? I also have a friend who started a trip from SLC over a year ago, and he's going from Alaska to Argentina.
Cackalak Han said:Any more updates on this? I also have a friend who started a trip from SLC over a year ago, and he's going from Alaska to Argentina.
dmc said:all the updates are on my site. i don't have high speed very often so i rarely check the forums. where is your friend right now? i'd be interested in emailing him to see he progress. bike or vehicle?
cruisermon said:Don't forget to sign up for Dave's Expedition Americas blog so that you can follow his journey and adventure.
dieselcruiserhead said:Awesome... Also having trouble getting that link to work to paypal.. I am in for $15 for a sticker! Ray said he spent some time in Costa Rica and costs were adding up there heavily...
Desertdude said: