Expedition Overland - 2015 Season


What the 'ell X4 on the bloopers. Got to be more of that footage than the straight faced stuff....:peepwall:

I would like to add that for a bunch of Montana country boys (and one Utard) everyone feels at ease in front of the camera. Has a natural feel to it. Don't know if it is a side effect of them being millennials or not but the 'ease' helps the audience feel part of the action. Just my two bits.
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Well-known member
Born and raised Utard here. It's easy to be comfortable behind the camera imo when you're not trying to stick to a script or speak outside ones realm of expertise. It helps that the camera guys were part of the crew, we drove together, cooked the meals together and slept in the same tents. It's like having a casual conversation talking to a friend at some point. I do get irritated by the sound and cadence of my voice. My family and friends tell me it's 100% authentic to my normal speech but it sounds odd to me?

As for the bloopers. I'm sure there is some out there. I'll see if that is something the production team could do.


New member
I am going to raise the question once again (someone has to know....:Wow1:) : Any idea of what kind of Roll up Medical kit they are using?
The question has been posted several times both here and on Youtube. I know it is a purpose built kit (with supplies from T5). But it is the actuall roll itself I am looking for. (and still not found any information or sourcing for).
Does not look like Blackhawk or any other brand found on google/ebay/amazone.


Like to Camp
Okay, that (was it the beach owner?) was a creep and I would have left as well. And those border crossing were intense. I'm glad that the girls were doing well, hope that their spring issue was able to be resolved.

And I can't wait for the next show! :)


Well-known member
I am going to raise the question once again (someone has to know....:Wow1:) : Any idea of what kind of Roll up Medical kit they are using?
The question has been posted several times both here and on Youtube. I know it is a purpose built kit (with supplies from T5). But it is the actuall roll itself I am looking for. (and still not found any information or sourcing for).
Does not look like Blackhawk or any other brand found on google/ebay/amazone.

It was a kit provided by Team 5, I wish I knew the brand but I don't recall seeing one. I'll ask around.

Okay, that (was it the beach owner?) was a creep and I would have left as well. And those border crossing were intense. I'm glad that the girls were doing well, hope that their spring issue was able to be resolved.

And I can't wait for the next show! :)


Episode 8 is live!

Lots of border dynamics this episode. With a dozens of borders and checkpoints on our trip... it's an important subject to cover.


lost on the mainland
so you dipped your toe into Honduras :)
what I learned from living there keep a $5 bill in your passport if it falls out oh well :)
I never handed original docs only copies so if they walked I was OK
fun to see from living there though :)

as far as pick pockets NOTHING was in my pockets but candy for the kids everything else was in a secure area on my person
sad cause Guatemala and parts of Honduras are so so so so pretty and amazing country yet other parts are so so so bad such as corruption and no real rules etc...

can hear forest gump now border crossings are like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get !


Filming at border crossing is asinine and one of the fastest ways to get arrested or detained. Hell, try it at a US border crossing and see what happens.


Well-known member
Filming at border crossing is asinine and one of the fastest ways to get arrested or detained. Hell, try it at a US border crossing and see what happens.

I've been hassled less ;)

Sounds like the perfect slogan for some cruiser outfitter t shirts...

Ha, that would be pretty funny. He was an aggressive and persistent helper. You can only tell them you don't need their assistance so many times before you're at your wits' end. Gotta credit him for being such a hard worker, he'd make a kick-butt telemarketer.

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