Here's some more images from Outdoor Retailer - Day One
I'm a big fan of products that push the envelope, and especially when they do it in America, with American parts. Terrastrenua is making a lightweight out of the box sleep cot.
Carbon Fiber beams support the cot.
Thanks for the report. Did anyone try the cot? Does it keep you off the ground or does your butt or hip hit the ground?
The new Terra Strenu Sleeping cot
it uses carbon fiber supports and lightweight durable top. It's all made in the USA of American materials.
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you'd think that before going into a big trade show they'd make sure they have their webiste functional. I know for the toy company i work for i spend a month before every show getting catalogs up dated and then a week before the show updating the website and make sure everything works right..
snip... It has several features like self leveling legs carbon fiber legs and the ability to turn into chair that are quiet novel for a cot. The production model is expected to weigh between 2 and 2.25 lbs and cost between $250 and $300 dollars.
It's still a prototype but it looks very stout
Small enough for moto travel?
Quick/easy deployment & packing?