Expedition Portal Welcomes Midland USA

Expedition Portal would like to thank Midland USA for supporting the Expedition Portal Forum.
Their recent line of FRS and GMRS radios is helping to change the landscape of mobile
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Long known for their premium and trusted mobile radio products, Midland Radio is an industry leader in two-way communication technology. Their products are trusted by Overlanders, Jeep and 4x4 clubs, Off-roaders, ATV/UTV riders and outdoor adventurers of all types.
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The power of Midland’s new MicroMobile two-way radios allows users to reach long distances and communicate back and forth with parties who are miles away. After the initial success of the first MicroMobile, Midland expanded the line to include three new high-powered radios designed for mobile communication. In addition to the power upgrades, newly added features include NOAA weather alert radio on the MXT105 andMXT115, a USB port for charging wireless devices on the MXT115 and repeater channels on the MXT115 and MXT400.
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The unique capability of the MicroMobile to communicate with GMRS/FRS handhelds walkie talkies makes it a versatile communication system for any kind of adventure that leads you off the beaten path.
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Midland takes exceptional pride in the quality of its products and backs all MicroMobile radios with a one year manufacturer’s warranty.
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For a complete overview of the Midland USA product line, visit: www.midlandusa.com
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Regular Dude
Does anyone here have experience with the Midland MXT115? I read other reviews that stated they were having some receiver issues. I am looking to purchase one or two to use here overseas, and I'm worried that if I get a bad one, transit time for a replacement will be a month or more. I am tempted to just get the 105, which seems to be doing well, but for 50 bucks more, repeater function and USB charging (as well as FRS channels) is a good deal. Additionally, I could use one to set up a base station in the states at my cabin and communicate with my friends out on the lake, etc. I know there are tons of commo guys on here, and I don't want to get in to the discussion of Cb/HAM, etc. I am asking specifically about these new FRS/GMRS radios.


Does anyone here have experience with the Midland MXT115?....

I have an MXT115 installed on my rig. We use GMRS for trail comms. and I haven't had any problems with mine.
Some of the other guys have the MXT100's, MXT105's and the MXT400's. No issues that I know of.

Comanche Scott

Expedition Leader
Great to see Midland on E.P. :beer:
Hope you will look into producing Ham radios for a growing market.
Something along the lines of the Icom 7100, but with the 7000 display style and Midland's legendary quality/reliability. :)


New member
Does anyone know anything about the MXT90? It appears to be the same as the now discontinued MXT100 but I can’t find a lot of info on it.


New member
They were on sale for $50. I went ahead and bought it but can’t really find any additional info on it. It doesn’t even show on Midlands site unless specifically searched for


Active member
Hi Lilkuff, The MXT90 is a special skew for Walmart. It has the same specs as the MXT105. Nice find on the price!

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