Expedition vehicle build goals


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I can tell you from experience from when I PCS'd from Fort Lewis, WA to Fort Benning, GA that a stock 1987 1008 CUCV will handle that load and more rather fine over flat ground, but becomes sluggish on hills and drops down to second gear. That trip I weighed in a 13,625lbs and traveled over 2500 miles one way, including through the rocky mountains. Personally, I believe that upgrading the brakes, shocks, adding a transmission inter-cooler, and ensuring the engine is well maintained, will bring a stock CUCV into serviceable condition for what he wants to do.

PS: It was amusing to watch the semi's passing me going up those hills :Wow1:


For a "SHTF" scenario, wouldn't it be more flexible to split the overall fuel & water storage between a combination of onboard tanks and portable containers? E.G. if the War Wagon becomes in/op, you can at least take some of the fuel & water with you if a portion of it is in portable containers. It also makes resupply more flexible, if you can take smaller containers to a source instead of just the entire vehicle.

I also agree that some combination of onboard & portable is the way to go for the reasons listed above. Also, for everyday use, one can leave the portable stuff in the garage for lighter running weight. And having some portable allows one to adjust exactly how much fuel & water to bring, without carrying extra weight; and provides some redundancy in case one of the fuel or water tanks becomes contaminated, etc.



Gasoline weighs between 5.8 and 6.2 pounds per gallon (depending on temp)
Water weighs around 8.3 lbs per gallon
Diesel weight around 7.1lbs per gallon

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