Exploring New Hampshire's Fall Crawl


Independent Thinker
I attended Exploring New Hampshire's "Fall Crawl" this past Saturday. The event was an annual run organized by the Exploring New Hampshire forums and started with a Friday night run and ended on Sunday. I only attended on Saturday and here's a quick report.

I showed up to the meeting spot at about 8:30 and there were already about 30 rigs there. By the time we had the morning meeting, about 40 rigs were split into 4 groups, each of which were running a different route. There was one "stock" level run and 3 "Moderate" level runs. I was in a moderate group and the difficulty of the trails I ran were similar to the Colorado Trail, Wheeler Lake but the style of terrain really reminded me of Spring Creek.

At 9am, our group headed to the trail.

The first trail was called "Devil's Pass". It had a number of boulder field filled hills that reminded me of the rock garden on Spring Creek. But the rocks were slightly smaller here, which means I didn't get my rear diff. hung up like I did in Spring Creek. In between these rock garden style hills there were larger rock faces to climb. The pace was such that I couldn't hand my camera to anyone to take pictures of my rig. So, the pictures will be mainly of the other rigs in my group. There were 2 second gen Tacomas, an 80 series LC, a 40 Series LC (heavily modded), a Grand Cherokee, a JKU, a TJ, a KLM motorcycle, and a Land Rover D110. A very diverse group!

The run was a lot of fun and my Tacoma did great. I never had to approach an obstacle twice. (trying to get my leafs to flex like 4runner links really paid off!) After this trail section, we hit some country side roads to get to the next trail. This one was called "Volkswagen Hill" because of an old Beetle Buggy that was abandoned on the side of the toughest hill on this trail. This one was tougher, especially because of constant rain falling on the leaf covered rocks. It was pretty slick. Fall colors were neat peak the entire way.



Independent Thinker
The final trail of the day was called "The Hills Have Eyes". This trail starts near a encampment style property owned by people who post strange signs and hang odd looking decorations from the trees. (Made from trash like gator aid bottles mixed with vines and other stuff) I didn't slow down to take any pictures. This trail was scenic but easier than the last... except for one large rock obstacle at the end.

5 of the 10 people in our group had to use a winch at this point. It took about 2 hours to get our 10 vehicles through this obstacle. I'll admit that, after waiting for the 2 vehicles in front of me for 30mins or so, I just hit my rear locker and walked through it. It would have been fun to see what I could do with open diffs (with hind sight) but the sun was starting to get low in the sky.

At the end of this trail, I split off and headed back home. The rest of the guys went to a potluck hosted by a member of the forum. Overall, it was a great day and I was glad to get the Tacoma out crawling again.
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looks like a blast! i would like to get out and explore nh more i spend most of my time adventuring in maine!


Independent Thinker
looks like a blast! i would like to get out and explore nh more i spend most of my time adventuring in maine!

Thanks! I'm new to New England, so this was different and fun for me. Do you live in NH? If so, I can direct you to the local forum I'm on where we have some what regular runs. They is a Trans New Hampshire Overland trip coming up.


Expedition Leader
Great report and I always liked the Exploring NH group. I had the same experience with the locker thing, on the first Trans NH, Ryan had a beautiful built 4Runner but was open and had to winch up a cross axle hill, the locker and my stock Taco walked it.


Independent Thinker
Great report and I always liked the Exploring NH group. I had the same experience with the locker thing, on the first Trans NH, Ryan had a beautiful built 4Runner but was open and had to winch up a cross axle hill, the locker and my stock Taco walked it.

Just moving from Colorado (where suspension flex is king) I was shocked by how much difference it made! Do you have the same name on the ENH forum?

Cool looking trails!

Thanks, they were a lot of fun to go out and run. Maybe I'll see you out on some of the local trails.


Incomplete Idiot
I love seeing reports from New England this time of year. Has me looking forward to 2017...hoping to venture up there for a trip with the kids and see a section of the country we've never seen.

Thanks for the pictures and report, Lumpskie.


Independent Thinker
I love seeing reports from New England this time of year. Has me looking forward to 2017...hoping to venture up there for a trip with the kids and see a section of the country we've never seen.

Thanks for the pictures and report, Lumpskie.

Thanks Haolepinoy! New England is beautiful in Fall! When your trip gets closer, PM me if you have any questions about where you want to go.

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