Today I decided to make use of a Rigid 10" SR LED bar that I've had lying around.

I'm pretty much just puttering around in some free time. No real direction in mind. The big project is building out the back but I don't really want to start on that yet. In the meantime, I'll fix a few of the shortcomings that I've run into this year. Next up is some reverse lighting. I have some Rigid Duallys hanging around that I might use for that purpose.
I like your style mister.
Looks like a lot of extra usable space if you want to redirect some of those vents....
I never use the overhead heat (heat rises anyway...) so that will free up a little space, and the lower vents will be redirected under the sleeping platform to better provide heating for a pre-warmed bed. I'm hoping to get some good usable storage out of this so that I can drop the bed down a couple of inches. My head just barely hits the roof when I sit up. It would be amazing to be able to sit up straight to get dressed in bed or use the computer, or whatever.
YES!! More pics much space? Road noise an issue without trim in?
I haven't driven it without the interior, but I would imagine there is a substantial increase in road noise. I will be insulating the entire rear section before anything goes back in.