Extra Stock 4th gen 4RunR Switches


Likes to Drive and Ride
I was behind the dash last week modifying my 12-Volt outlets to be 'constant on' for my Engle. I was very happy to see that the black plastic blanks filling the holes next to my T-case/Center Diff lock button on the left side of my dash are simple plastic plugs that are easily popped out. I moved my T-case lock from one of the middle holes to the far right while I was in there, and thought of using the three empty positions for a compressor/lockers/lights or whatever I decide as my build planning continues. I think it's pretty nice and clean not to have to drill holes for aftermarket switches.

Are there generic Toyota switches that will snap into the place of the blanks? I assume I can use duplicate switches that look like the downhill-decent or Center Diff lock, but I would prefer if they were plain or at least had different makings than the buttons I already have. What do the other optional equipment Toyota buttons look like (I only have the diff lock and DAC on my SR5).

I did a search and didn't find what I was looking for, but I hope someone here has used additional stock button switches to operate aftermarket parts.




The '05s have blanks, too, but they have different grooves in each one, presumably to allow only the proper factory switch for each position to fit. This made me sad, as the extra factory foglamp switch I bought won't just pop into one of the blank holes. :mixed-smiley-030:


2006 Expedition Trophy Champion
Head down to the junkyard. The rear decklamp switch from my '85 fit perfectly in one of the blanks in my Taco. I'm sure there are more switches to be had that say all kinds of stuff on them. Also, check out Scott Brady's Taco build thread- He uses a bunch of cool factory looking switches.


Likes to Drive and Ride
That's interesting... When I moved the factory center diff lock switch from to the far right position (it's on the left side of the wheel) it seemed to pop into place perfectly just like the spot it came from. I wonder if the 4Runners are different than the '05 Tacos in this area?

asteffes said:
The '05s have blanks, too, but they have different grooves in each one, presumably to allow only the proper factory switch for each position to fit. This made me sad, as the extra factory foglamp switch I bought won't just pop into one of the blank holes. :mixed-smiley-030:


Likes to Drive and Ride
I had read some of these threads before, but I just blipped through Scott's Taco build thread (61 pages!) and his Taco FAQs thread. The switches that look applicable are the same ones listed here by MoutainBiker and Tucson T4R. I might have to give these a try.

BogusBlake said:
Also, check out Scott Brady's Taco build thread- He uses a bunch of cool factory looking switches.


Likes to Drive and Ride
That might be just the ticket; I'll have to try one! It looks like a perfect fit and if it's made for Toyotas...

eurorom said:
Oh! I found this switch too and it can be bought at any toyota dealer!


OR u could buy a few blanks and drill holes in them and mount the switch to that. i personally had to make an entire panel for my switches to mount to because in an 84 pickup there arent any useful blanks. they are always in the wrong spot. however if i could cut a square hole in some plastic i would use the above mentioned switches. i like the ones with the lables.


eurorom said:
Oh! I found this switch too and it can be bought at any toyota dealer!

Those will not fit the 4th gen 4Runner. They fit the 80 series perfectly tho.

The 4th gen 4Runner switches are the same hole size as the LX470/LC 100 series/ GX470/05+ Tacoma/FJ Cruiser

other switches will fit with some cutting as others have mentioned


Likes to Drive and Ride
Thanks for that input and clarification. I would prefer to get switches that will fit without modification.

Life_in_4Lo said:
Those will not fit the 4th gen 4Runner. They fit the 80 series perfectly tho.

The 4th gen 4Runner switches are the same hole size as the LX470/LC 100 series/ GX470/05+ Tacoma/FJ Cruiser

other switches will fit with some cutting as others have mentioned


when I installed the ARB rear locker in my 03 4Runner, I added the 05 Tacoma RR DIFF LOCK switch and also a rear defrost switch for the compressor on/off. It looked totally stock-because it was, fitting into the blanks at the lower left of the steering wheel.

Those switches are really expensive tho.


Likes to Drive and Ride
Perfect, another real life experience: the 05-up Tacoma switches will work! :)

Life_in_4Lo said:
when I installed the ARB rear locker in my 03 4Runner, I added the 05 Tacoma RR DIFF LOCK switch and also a rear defrost switch for the compressor on/off. It looked totally stock-because it was, fitting into the blanks at the lower left of the steering wheel.

Those switches are really expensive tho.

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