After excessive pondering of this design issue, here are my thoughts. It's likely a major PITA to get them on and off the roof. Read through many threads here and elsewhere, it seems many had 'em up there and hated it. MPG is an issue? (If that was really a deal breaker, wouldn't have an F-350.) If we hang them off the back...we need costly HD swing out mechanisms, there are taillight issues, gotta swing 'em out everytime you go in and out (my 10 year old daughter likes to play in the camper), we couldn't really access the inside of the camper when it's parked behind my house due to lateral space limitations...AND...the overall length is still extended.
The "drop down the side" rack on the Benz looks good, but can't find anything OTS like that out there. Either way, cost times 2 to buy or fab custom?
In the end? Mike's suggestion to mount them between the cab and camper is the solution I am going to explore now. (Thanks again, Pappawheely!). I'll let let you know how it goes.