Sorry, Pat -- it is what it is. Always pack your wallet with spare money before a long trip. And the membership in a road service plan can save you from having to sell the rig to the first guy who shows up with a tow truck.
That being said, I'm happy that I bought the buggy probably 97% of the time - the other 3% would be when I price out things like the four batteries that I had to buy, or figuring what a total paint job might cost -- the cost of a paint job is why I bought a white ambulance instead of fire engine red or day glow green, or trying to stuff in new cab seats that the dealer swore would fit perfectly (but my head kept hitting the ceiling...).
Like ANY hobby, things cost money. That's life.
As long as you're having fun, that's the whole reason. Anyone can walk up and buy a motor home or a travel trailer, but we decide to do it our way. Partly because we're fussy, partly because we want something that can't be bought, partly because it's fun. Like a friend of mine once said: "If it isn't fun, why do it?"
And it's fun for me, and that's what counts.