Im a fleet truck dealer so I get to try lots of different tires every month, I mean lots and lots. I have been running the Falkens for the last 5 years after having BFGs for the last 30 years. The BFGs are not what they used to be, hard and crappy on ice. I live at 8100 ft in CO, dirt roads are very steep to my house. I currently have 285 BFGs on my 02 8500lb 8.1L Suburban. I have 265 Falken Wildpeak ATs on my Quigley 3500 Express which weighs almost as much (both have gear in them) so I can compare day to day. The Falkens hands down outperform the BFGs everyday on ice and snow, also super quiet on highway. I have 285 Cooper AT XLs on my 08 Duramax turtle top 3500 Express (over 9000lbs) and they are pretty awesome, very quiet. A few years ago I blew through a set of extremely noisey BFGs on the diesel van in only 15K miles (down to like 30-35%) and they would not warranty (50K mile warranty at that time) the tires even though everything on the van was right which left a very sour taste in my mouth. When I swapped to the Coopers and Falkens they were so quiet I heard all these wind noise sounds I had never heard before. My opinion? The BFGs look great but no longer deliver like they once did, they have lowered the quality while keeping the price high. I know a while back they lost their snow rating, dont know if that's back. I like the Falkens a lot, especially in winter, lots of siping, look good too, great in every way. Speaking of winter, I have to go back outside and plow some more as it is dumping.