Thanks!That's a good looking truck my friend!!
So, the maiden voyage went very well, we did over 400 miles total with over 200 on dirt into some of the most remote country in the US. I am very happy with the truck and how it performs and I’ll say I am completely amazed at how well it drives at 75-80 down the Interstate, it literally drives like a new Ford truck. The PSC steering is bad ***, it feels the same at 35 psi down the road as it does with 15 psi in the tires and down bumpy ****ty roads, I even got it bound up a little which I could feel in the wheel but the tires still would turn, the price was worth it. The brakes are also phenomenal, I spent the money and went with the Pro Stop brakes and holy cow, it stops better than my stock GM trucks. No doubt it’s a big ***** but the tires certainly help out getting it through the trails, I am glad I went with the 40’s.
Yes, I filled the long bed full of ****, figured if I have the room I might as well use it. Brought my son’s XR70 too so he could get some riding in while we were out.

Bruneau River below and the Jarbridge Mountains in the back ground.

My good friend and his 100 series Cruiser, he just drove it to Panama and back.

Old Homestead at the top of a narrow, steep road down to Indian Hot Springs, I came in here last year in the Yukon and it was tight, real tight but we made it down. This year several large boulders have fallen in the road making impassable without winching/hi-lifting them out of the way and we decided it wasn’t worth the time since it was already late in the day I knew of another place to potentially get down to the river.

You can see the trail back out the other side in the distance

The pictures don’t do this place justice.

This large boulder had fallen in the road and we had to stack a few rocks to protect the rockers since I don’t have sliders yet.

We had to stack a few more rocks for the hundy, he has it sold so he didn’t want to damage anything.

I didn’t get any pictures of try to cross the river at the bottom but we were denied, I pulled out into it and it was almost up to the bottom of the front fender well and started to push the truck, I think I could have gotten across but the hundy wouldn’t have made it so we decided to call it a day and camp at the bottom just above the river. We ate like kings and it was a perfect night, when the sun went down natures light show came out in spectacular fashion.