Interesting feedback. The Goodrides are another option and are significantly cheaper than the Toyos. Glad you are happy with them, however, for me, replacing with Goodrides still leaves a couple of issues independent of how they perform. One is that they still require similar pressures to the Toyos and are consequently harder riding than say the Hankooks. Secondly, they are in a similar category to the Toyos for availability as I found out when making some enquiries. So, if ATW are the only reliable source of these tyres then the freight and pricing needs to be considered if required on some remote track. And be aware, as a reminder, that I was supplied with old "new" tyres, so having a poorly rotated stock of tyres could mean similar experiences to mine with greatly reduced mileage. So, be cautious of tyre date when purchasing any tyre.
True about pressures. On the just completed trip, I spent a lot of time airing up and down, but one if the key reasons was comfort ahead of wear as the higher running pressures do not give much latitude on imperfect surfaces.