While on holidays, we stayed in Sorrento for the christmas break. Had a great little beach house with extended family staying for most of the time, we all thought it was a great place to get away. While there though, went and visited Michael from Wild Planet Offroad (www.wildplanetoffroad.com.au). I've been talking to Michael for a few years now about campers, designs and ideas.
But this was the first time I'd seen his camper in person, man, there's a lot of thought, design, engineering and work gone into it. Feels like it'll be really comfortable for a family to travel around in, had a good sense of space inside. We spent a few hours chatting about how it was going, how he'd gotten to where he's at and what was left to do (which is quite a bit). Sat in his next project, a dual cab MAN that's having the same body installed on it as the single cab he's working on now, and spoke about his future plans for Iveco Daily based campers. Have asked him to start a thread on Portal about his build's and the company.
Couple of pictures I took while there
It's a big truck

Side entrance. Bit awning yet to be installed but embedded into the body. Outbound windows are REALLY nice!!! These'll be first on our shopping list if I ever do another camper (they'd fit within the lifting roof design easily).

Michael talking with Heather in front of the seating. Pass through goes to truck cab, engineered to seat 4 people while driving. Battery/electrics and other storage underneath. He's using Victron gear with their lithium battery packs, is getting support/consulting directly from them.

Rear view looking at where the bed, bathroom (left) and kitchen will be. Roof hasn't yet been glued in, lots of wiring still to go in

All very interesting, looking forward to seeing the end product
But this was the first time I'd seen his camper in person, man, there's a lot of thought, design, engineering and work gone into it. Feels like it'll be really comfortable for a family to travel around in, had a good sense of space inside. We spent a few hours chatting about how it was going, how he'd gotten to where he's at and what was left to do (which is quite a bit). Sat in his next project, a dual cab MAN that's having the same body installed on it as the single cab he's working on now, and spoke about his future plans for Iveco Daily based campers. Have asked him to start a thread on Portal about his build's and the company.
Couple of pictures I took while there
It's a big truck

Side entrance. Bit awning yet to be installed but embedded into the body. Outbound windows are REALLY nice!!! These'll be first on our shopping list if I ever do another camper (they'd fit within the lifting roof design easily).

Michael talking with Heather in front of the seating. Pass through goes to truck cab, engineered to seat 4 people while driving. Battery/electrics and other storage underneath. He's using Victron gear with their lithium battery packs, is getting support/consulting directly from them.

Rear view looking at where the bed, bathroom (left) and kitchen will be. Roof hasn't yet been glued in, lots of wiring still to go in

All very interesting, looking forward to seeing the end product