Fiberglass top and Roof rack options


I have had my 2006 Quigley E350 EB for a little over two years now and have been slowly building out the inside and making suspension upgrades. My next big step is to get a roof rack on it to mount solar panels up there as well as have some extra space for things like firewood. The van came to me completely gutted aside from the front two seats and with the Fiberglass top already on it. I can not seem figure out what brand/ model the roof is. I would like to mount the rack directly to it but want to contact the manufacturer to discuss where to mount the feet as well as what the weight capacity is (if any). I have also considered using tall extended gutter mounts like some of the syncro guys have but they are pretty dang ugly in my opinion and feel like they may add unwanted leverage to the gutters.

Here is my van, I'm sure one of you knows exactly who makes it and what model it is... Thanks!



Expedition goofball
That sounds like the way I purchase my van, gutted nothing in it except two front seats and a fiberglass high top. But I wanted a roof rack from my kayak and solar panels. So I found some Thule racks on Craigslist... Got them lined up and even, then I drilled 2 holes for each mounting bracket, I use the fauxe (sp?) gutter mounting system. I made aome 4x6 1/2 metal platea to distribute the load. It has worked extremely well has carried over 100 lb and hasn't moved slipped or given me any problems whatsoever in three years. The total amount for everything was less than $100.


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