Finally found a Venter trailer in the US!


Thanks for the feedback, glad you found someone selling them in the States. I checked out the website you provided and I got to admit, I was shocked by the low price. Its my experience stuff imported from South Africa doubles in price compared to what you buy it for in South Africa. Between the shipping cost, import taxes, need to conform to U.S. laws and profits most items are priced out of the market. Curious how she is able to import them and sell for such a low price.

No problem. The woman I bought from was the west coast reseller, I think the original importer is Kace Trailers in SC. They seem to be shut down online now but someone is there cause I'm having my seller order extra parts from them now (aluminum lid rack and upgraded jockey wheel). They may restart imports once pandemic related shipping interruptions ease and if they see some potential sales. Yes, good price IMO. The trailer is sound, but lightweight, some assembly/fitment issues, but nothing like a Harbor Freight trailer's low quality. There was a reseller in Texas for a while (also closed now) and he had similar prices. If they can bring these (and the more robust camper models) back to US and keep the pricing low I think they just need better marketing to reach the right audience. I don't think they were doing anything before besides driving around with a demo trailer and doing a few Facebook posts. A booth with a couple of these at the Overland Expo would get a lot of attention IMO.


FYI, they still have the one small Gadabout trailer available. No rear hatch, just the lid, but would ideal for a small setup, minimal gear. Looks to me to be in great condition, basically brand new, maybe a little surface rust starting to show on the springs (its parked in Half Moon Bay near the ocean).


Fuse box and wiring for 12v socket and LED lights sorted. Small panel in main compartment w switches for the 12" interior led bar and the 24" underbody "mood light" led bar. I have 75AH marine batt in the nose compartment along with the 100w Rockpals solar panel. Will set up the charge controller next. I'll keep the trailer loaded with our camp basics, everything that goes on most trips. Camp chuck box will be next.






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