Well I finally got the fleetwood cobalt of my dreams. It only took a year and a half of surfing craigslist. First shakedown trip will be Feb 7 and 8 at my jeep clubs wilderness first aid class. Big thanks to Bay Area Expeditions for helping us get it setup. Here's a photo in its new home until I get the spot cleared in the garage. It's a little rough but overall in good condition. I'll be looking to you guys for some help with modifications.
Here's the tow vehicle on 39" tires so I'll have to see how high I wanna go with the trailer lift. I don't ever plan on pulling it through the rubicon but I would like to get it to some boondocking sites off the beaten path.
Here's the tow vehicle on 39" tires so I'll have to see how high I wanna go with the trailer lift. I don't ever plan on pulling it through the rubicon but I would like to get it to some boondocking sites off the beaten path.