First big game of the year


Went antelope hunting in North Park, CO last weekend for opener. Friday there were several small herds we could see from camp with a nice buck walking within 50 yards. Opening morning, they were all gone.

Finally about 10:00 I had been stalking a youngish buck for 45 minutes when a doe showed up and spooked him. I walked back to the truck and my buddy fired it up to move when suddenly the buck came over a ridgeline. Jumping out of the truck I came to a seated position. My bud lasered the distance at 341 yards. I held half a body high and squeezed. The buck took off 30-40 yards and colapsed into a dust pile.

The little Kimber Montana in .243 with Sierra 85 gr HPBT did it's job. One shot through both lungs and exiting the opposite side with no more than a 1" hole.

Now on to next week's elk and deer season.



I have to wait untill December before archery deer season opens again, then javalina if I get drawn, in January.


Antelope tastes very much like deer. The key to good meat is take an animal which hasn't been running a lot, thus doesn't have a high lactic acid build up in it's muscles. Clean and skin asap so it can cool quickly. I hear a lot of people do not like antelope nor deer because of the "gamy" taste. I believe this is primarily because people do not care for their meat well.

I have mine butchered (or butcher it myself) as follows: debone; everything cut into steaks possible; grind the rest into hamburger. My wife uses the burger in meatloaf mixed with pork and sometimes buffalo. She will add spices to make sausage when she wants. She fries it and adds it to home made veggie soup she makes ahead of time and freezes in quart containers. She scrambles it with eggs for breakfast. And just in general does an awesome job!

According to the Colorado Division of Wildlife antelope is the leanest meat there is...less than turkey, chicken, deer, elk, etc.

We (and our kids and grand kids) like it.


Wiffleball Batter
Good job.

I love antelope hunting. Dad, brother and I go to Wyoming every year to hunt antelope.

Most of my meat ends up ground for hamburger and sausage. We have the processor add some suet to it to help it stick together. Very lean and very healthy.

Also, unlike deer and elk, antelope are not susceptible to CWD.

Your description of the hunt is classic. I think about half of the time I've gotten an antelope I didn't stalk it, instead I came across it unexpectedly.

Last year we went to our usual place in Wyoming (Monolith Ranch near Laramie) and spent an hour or so stalking a large group, but couldn't get close enough to take a shot. So we went back to the truck to look at the map and have a cup of coffee. I was sitting on the tailgate looking at the map and when I looked up I saw a group heading across the road about a hundred yards away! I grabbed my rifle, took a couple of steps to the edge of the road and fired from the shoulder, the doe I fired at dropped like a rock (I hit her in the head.) She was about 20' from the road!

I figured the only way I could ever beat that would be if I could shoot my antelope and have her fall into the truck! :p

I would say when it comes to antelope hunting there are two things you need to be able to do very well: 1. You have to be a good shot because hundred yard shots are rare - 200 to 400 is more like it. And 2, you have to be ready to "snap shoot" if the opportunity presents itself.


Having grown up in Wyoming, wild game was our primary food source. Antelope is a great meat if the above mentioned is taken into account. Never, Ever shoot an Antelope on the run!! Unless you have committed yourself by your first shot.

We would harvest the back strap for medallion stakes, grind some for burger, and make smoked jerky. Oh them were the days. I can remember leaving school for my Grandparents home to be welcomed to the aroma of freshly smoked jerky and Steaks and Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, doesn't get much better than that.:elkgrin:


Explorer .243 with Sierra 85 gr HPBT did it's job. One shot through both lungs and exiting the opposite side with no more than a 1" hole.

Gotta love .243. I think it's my favorite caliber. My first rifle was a Remington Model 7 in .243 and I still have it.

Where are the pictures, Ridgewalker?

Trail Monkey

Adventurer, Overland Certified OC0014
this thread is terrible. NO PHOTOS..! congrats on the shot. I have a Kimber 84 in .308 and its my favorite big game gun..


Sorry for no pictures, but my camera is an 8 megapix and I haven't learned how to reduce to few enough I could download. I tried to download, but the pics are just to big.:Wow1:

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