First camper:


Well we did it! This past Sunday the lady, dog and myself drove 500+ miles to Brazil, IN to buy a 2007 Grandby shell from a WTW member who shot is an email saying he'd sell his beloved camper to us! We made it there in 8 hours less than one tank of fuel (we had ¼ tank of diesel left, averaging 22.7mpg)! We spent the night in a state park and then the next day drove to KY and camped in the middle-of-nowhere in Daniel Boone NF. Rained all night and the camper stayed dry! Then the next day we explored for a bit and charged back home to Asheville. Also with the camper it seems that we got about 20mpg, but I haven't done the full calculations yet, so maybe it's more!! We're so happy to have found our camper and I'm excited to start a build thread on it. I have so much I want to do to it and so many questions to ask, hahah.

Thanks again to all who have helped us along this journey!


Oil eater.
I wish mine got 22mpg. Nice find. You'll have lots of fun with it.

Me too. I get the identical mileage as my '98.5 with the same popup.
I got 19.3 mpg out of the '98.5 going to Waddell,Az and back one time.
I never ran 265's either though.


On average around town we get 17 MPG. If we're interstate truckin' our mileage goes way up, and to be honest 22 is the best I've ever seen from the ol' gal! I had her locked in at 70mph on cruise and just let fly.

On the way back we got around 19.9MPG for the first 300 miles, then randomly our mileage dropped to a staggering 13.6MPG! It may have been our drive up and over the Appalachains that killed our mileage, or it could have been our switch back to regular diesel. Who knows!

I suspect I could have made a mistake as well - considering our average is 17 in stop & go with no load, I'm guessing we'll only lose 1-2 MPG with the camper in the back, but that's just a guess.

I need to get my stuff together to start a build thread, but for now I'll post some teasers:

The interior is great. Mitch switched the seat over so that you actually look OUT the window rather than at the wall, which we love. Sure it kills a bit of space, but we'll gain it in other areas.

We had a blast hunting down side roads and found a great campsite in Daniel Boone National Forest

This was in Indiana

And one more of the interior at night:

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