First Fix on my new cherokee


New member
I've got no first hand experience with the CSF, but I've been doing a fair bit of research into upgrading my stock radiator, which at 134k miles is getting a little long in the tooth. I've read about the CSF 3 cores having belt filler necks upon delivery, and it seems that there have been quite a few dissatisfied customers over on naxja. Of course, maybe those people are just the loudest ;) . For what its worth, XXXpedition mentioned that he runs a 4-core (4 cores!) from:

And that it was reasonable (250ish) in price when he bought it in 2005. I plan on having them build me a 2 or 3 core when my stocker finally bites the dust.


According to Go-Jeep the 2 core flows too much and he had to put a flow restrictor on it .... Dunno what brand he was using tho...


Expedition Leader
According to Go-Jeep the 2 core flows too much and he had to put a flow restrictor on it .... Dunno what brand he was using tho...

Thanks all for the input.

Here's what I'm thinking:

2 core aluminum/plastic from pepboys

-lifetime warranty
-the radiator i have in it now, lasted 10 years (alum/plastic) which seems great to me
-I can go to any pep boys with my receipt and get a new one. Great if you are in BFE.
-a bunch of xj guys on naxja swear by the current design of alum/plastic tank lifetime ones. Several have 3-4 years on the same radiator, which again, with such a hot running truck, seems fine to me.

2 core all metal from radiatorbarn

-lifetime warranty
-all metal, likely very durable
-have to ship the first one, and any warranty one = wait time
-takes brazing/jb weld better than a plastic/alum
-Some have lasted 5-7 years according to some.

(though my quick JB weld job has completely stopped the leak in my radiator. Since I cleaned up the end tank, you can't tell it was ever leaking. JB weld is working great on the plastic as a temp fix.)

Still deciding. :)


Expedition Leader
Still deciding on a radiator, will probably go with the local pep boys version...Funny thing is, I jb welded this sucker on wednesday night, drove it on thursday and friday and it has leaked exactly NOTHING since then.

I'm going to get a new radiator on the next paycheck, just to have it around, but dude I'm just going to run this one until it actually has a problem...haha. :victory:


According to Go-Jeep the 2 core flows too much and he had to put a flow restrictor on it .... Dunno what brand he was using tho...

I know GoJeep's practically a god, but the problem was the higher-flow water pump, not the radiator. A good radiator will allow to flow what is pushed into it--it can't increase flow by itself.

Edit: Also, has the stock-type plastic/metal ones (if that's what you want) for ~$115 depending on your year.


Expedition Leader
Well, got home last night after having dinner with my family and going to costco.

I walked in front of the car, and the thing started leaking again.

I'm actually fairly impressed that the JB weld patch held for so long, on such a high pressure part. I high-tailed it to pep boys and bought a very handsome 2-core alum./plastic radiator.


Three hours later, had it fully installed and test running in my garage.(with a shop fan and the garage door open of course.) Very impressed with the fit and finish of the new part, and here's a tip guys and gals...

You NEED the 3/8th's version of this tool:

7881.jpg remove the lower trans. cooler hose if you have an automatic. It is a COMPLETE NON-ISSUE with this little tool, and I've heard that its a COMPLETE NIGHTMARE trying to disconnect it without one.

I bought my set, that included the 3/8th's size for 19.99 @ pep boys. Its anodized aluminum and very nice looking. I don't care if I only use this/loan this once or twice every couple I literally slipped it on and pulled the hose fitting off in about 30 seconds. I read stories of having to ply, cut, bend, curse, etc. to get it off. haha!, Brilliant.


Expedition Leader
Oh, and a bit of history on this Jeep, according to the previous owner:

-This is the Jeep's third radiator.
-It had the original radiator from 1992 to 1999-2000, at which
point the previous owner changed out to a Checker auto parts
plastic/aluminum 2-core.
-This seems to be true as the radiator I took out was definitely
not MOPAR, unlike the trans. cooler which is still the original unit.
-If the lifetime radiator I put in lasts even half the life of the previous
unit, I'd be fully stoked, but all evidence shows that 8-10 year livespans
in this application are very possible.

Let me know if I should do mini-writeup on the install or if I can answer any questions.


p.s. I've never changed a radiator before, and this, nonetheless, was surprisingly straightforward.


Glad to hear it went so well. I wouldn't mind reading the basics of what you had to do as I've never done one, either, and mine is ten years old.

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