Sweet, I'm happy to hear your opinion. You're all set to ride to Argentina then!
Never been to Argentina, but I have been to plenty of other places on a bicycle - including crossing Australia. It's not that hard.
...let's be honest, these guys are really driving to Argentina right now, and you're not riding your bike to Argentina right now.
So while the bike is good in theory, they're doing the most important thing.
What a stupid response. You act like no one else have travelled. And they aren't only using solar - they charge their vehicle. So, no, I'm not
currently travelling, that doesn't mean I haven't bicycled for thousands of miles with an average per day way over 30 miles.
They're actually doing it, and proving that it really does work.
They are charging their vehicle with a level 2 charger,giving them a hundred miles range. The solar can only provide "UP TO" 30 miles/day. Add in hills and cloudy days, and you'll be lucky to get a third of that. And keep in mind that they can't drive while charging with the solar, because if they do, they can't place the solar panels optimally. So, even on full sun days, they charge one day and run the next. That's already halving the claimed range.
I think you should look up "bicycle touring" if you think it's impossible to go anywhere on a bike.