Expedition Poseur
Yikes. So as you probably already read, I recently ordered a Canon 100mm f/2.8 USM macro lens. This is my first foray into macro photography (which has always interested me). Now, I was thinking since I live in the land of incredibly harsh light, I would be able to sneak by without using a flash provided I shoot mid day. After playing around a bit, it is apparent that I thought wrong. If I stop the thing down to get any depth of field, the shutter speed is prohibitively long. Seriously, shooting at f/32 in full sunlight @ ~6" from subject gives me 1/4 second exposures. Not nearly fast enough.
So, anyone have real world experience I can benefit from? A quick look at google gives me a couple of options that cost more than the lens did. Is there a less expensive solution out there (one that actually works and is portable)?
Oh, the lens is sharp...very sharp. Just can't really take advantage of the "really close up" end of the things until I get more light.
So, anyone have real world experience I can benefit from? A quick look at google gives me a couple of options that cost more than the lens did. Is there a less expensive solution out there (one that actually works and is portable)?
Oh, the lens is sharp...very sharp. Just can't really take advantage of the "really close up" end of the things until I get more light.