Flatbed and composite panel build on Dodge 2500


My camper has fiberglas composite panels and has been spray painted. I have been driving it for 7 years through Africa and Latin America. It has never been under cover and the sun tends to be strong in these countries. It has never been waxed. The paint has faded a little and we have lots and lots of scratches from bushes and trees but otherwise I cannot see any problem with the fiberglas skin.


New member
Yes Kerr is who will be doing my panels. They are about 45 Min drive so I wont have any shipping.
I went down to Kerr last week,Brian gave me a tour of their operation. Pretty cool process on how they are made.
He has a lot of options. Seems very affordable. Thanks guys for your input.


West slope, N. Ser. Nev.
Over the life of this thread, I've just read little snippets of the build but not the whole enchilada. I just finished consuming the whole plate. Mark has certainly set a new high water mark for that rare commodity in the RV business: namely quality attention to every detail and complete and utter R & D of every up to date material and fastener technique. There is no accounting for talent. You either have it or you don't.
Bravo, maestro, you done good and are really in a class by yourself. On the other end of the spectrum: my rig,



New member
Wow, everything has been awesome in this thread! Thank you for all of the information and testing and ideas and awesomeness.

Alright, refocusing. After reading the thread and just trying to absorb this lifetime body of knowledge and skill, I visited lite industry's website. I wasn't sure what to expect as most things are custom, but I was hoping to find some of your components for your build. I'm in the planning stage of my own camper trailer build and have been having a tough time sourcing quality smaller items like hinges, latches, etc. When the time comes that I have more of an idea of all of my wants (shipping can't be good) I will be contacting lite industries for solutions.

I plan on using one of total composites flat load kits for the exterior, but it leaves a lot for the diy enthusiast. Where there help ends hopefully I can source some quality stuff from you. Thanks for the awesome thread, and for all the info.


Der Chef der Fahrzeuge
Wow, everything has been awesome in this thread! Thank you for all of the information and testing and ideas and awesomeness.

Alright, refocusing. After reading the thread and just trying to absorb this lifetime body of knowledge and skill, I visited lite industry's website. I wasn't sure what to expect as most things are custom, but I was hoping to find some of your components for your build. I'm in the planning stage of my own camper trailer build and have been having a tough time sourcing quality smaller items like hinges, latches, etc. When the time comes that I have more of an idea of all of my wants (shipping can't be good) I will be contacting lite industries for solutions.

I plan on using one of total composites flat load kits for the exterior, but it leaves a lot for the diy enthusiast. Where there help ends hopefully I can source some quality stuff from you. Thanks for the awesome thread, and for all the info.

www.overlandex.com is the correct site for Mark. Lite Industries is his commercial truck side.


New member
Took me a while to read the whole thread and wow, just wow. You and your team's attention to detail and quality is a-freaking-mazing. My wife, being a Canadian, said "let's get one!". LOL. The simple white cabinetry, clean lines, almost Scandinavian aesthetic really is what we're looking for. I'd love to get a Summit-X or Summit-XL. Are those available through your network of dealers, like the one in Boulder? Or are those only carrying the pop-up campers?

We joked that we could drive a cab and chassis up there, get the flatbed and Summit-X installed, come back and tell them "it's always been there" at the border. :)

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